Re: Theos-World Explaining Theosophy to Christians
Sep 06, 1999 08:23 PM
by Nick Weeks
| The Internet provides us with an extremely powerful medium for
spreading the
| theosophical teachings to a large audience. As such I take on the
role of a
| 'missionary' and enter Newsgroups such as can be found on
alt.christnet. -
| and attempt to explain some of the theosophical fundamentals.
Missionaries are a pain, whether theosophical or otherwise. Leave
them be. If you are asked, or you sense some genuine thinking or
enquiring going on, then proceed kindly and carefully to share what
you know. But do not hammer at them; Xtians have been doing that for
hundreds of years, why should we pick up their bad habit?
Nicholas Weeks <> <> Los Angeles
"The only refuge for him who aspires to true perfection is Buddha
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