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Re: RE: Theos-World Response to Arnaldo

Apr 30, 1999 12:11 PM
by LeonMaurer

Dear Peter:

Thank you for putting the below information on-line.  It does much to clear 
the air around here, as well as justify my own approach to theosophy.  i.e. 
To examine the scientific roots of theosophy and to continue my efforts to 
clarify its fundamental teachings "in the language of this age," (and without 
reference to any other teachings except as confirmations)--as well as "write 
my own Secret Doctrine", articles and pamphlets on the cutting edge of 
science and philosophy--so that the principles of theosophy and its goals may 
become understandable to those whose present gurus are the scientists, 
teachers and professors who spout the "party line" of materialism--and, 
thereby, influence the bulk of ordinary people to think only of themselves 
and live in and of the illusory world of personality, egoism, selfishness, 
and greed--with no concern for the welfare of the their own souls, or the 
Souls of both the earth and the humanity of which they are an integral part.  

Hopefully, the result of such work will contribute to "spread broadcasting" 
the ideas of "universal brotherhood," "karma" and "reincarnation" (cycles and 
rebirth)--as fundamental "Laws of Nature," and that it will reach many more 
people than those who are now, like obsolete dinosaurs, still doctrinally 
hashing and rehashing the "teachings" amongst small, "separate" groups of 
constantly arguing organizational theosophists. (In name only for the most 
part--in my view.)  Do you wonder why the membership in ALL theosophical 
groups has dropped to such a minuscule level since the time of HPB and WQJ?  
In light of her statements quoted below, HPB certainly would not intend us to 
use the tremendous power of the Internet for these introverted, self-serving 

It has also given me the incentive to turn my efforts toward a more 
productive direction, give up the time consuming and wasteful efforts of 
reading endless letters (few of which contain anything new or interesting), 
or arguing and nit picking about theosophy (and other religious 
teachings)--strictly among ourselves--with no "real" or influential 
connection to the outer world... That's one of the reasons why I never joined 
any theosophical organization (or religious one for that matter)... And why, 
after many years of group study in ULT, have long ago given up attending or 
lecturing at meetings--to continue my studies of "fundamental truths" and 
their "scientific correlations" in my own "self devised and self determined" 
way.  I also have no use for people who argue that they first have to take 
care of their own spiritual "awakening", by engaging in endless meditative 
practices, exploration of "psychism", out-of-body experiences, "work on the 
higher planes," and the like.  For theosophy at this stage of It's real 
needs--mental practice of a discriminative nature (for the "intuitive 
student," as HPB might say), is more than enough.  (As for myself; My own 
personal spiritual attainments and work on the higher planes can wait until I 
get back to where I came from.:-)      

The only reason I have remained in this forum and answered any letters was to 
"defend theosophy and its teachers," clarify my own thinking, as well as 
perfect my writing in preparation for more useful work.  Now, it'll soon be 
time to quit such time consuming and really pointless activities.  (Although 
I still intend to subscribe to the moderated bn-study forum where I might 
make some useful contribution to a larger audience of serious searchers.)  

It's been fun though knocking heads with some of the mavericks on this 
forum:-)... And I hope a few of you serious theosophists will continue to 
keep an open channel with me by private e-mail, or through other "moderated" 
e-mail lists.  (Besides bn-study, I also attend and occasionally contribute 
to the (Journal of Consciousness Studies) JCS-online, Psyche-D, and Quantum 
Mind forums). 

Best wishes,


>Here is something that HPB writes in the KEY TO THEOSOPHY:
>ENQUIRER. How do you expect the Fellows of your Society to help in the
>THEOSOPHIST. First by studying and comprehending the theosophical doctrines,
>so that they may teach others, especially the young people. Secondly, by
>taking every opportunity of talking to others and explaining to them what
>Theosophy is, and what it is not; by removing misconceptions and spreading
>an interest in the subject. Thirdly, by assisting in circulating our
>literature, by buying books when they have the means, by lending and giving
>them and by inducing their friends to do so. Fourthly, by defending the
>Society from the unjust aspersions cast upon it, by every legitimate device
>in their power. Fifth, and most important of all, by the example of their
>own lives.
>ENQUIRER. But all this literature, to the spread of which you attach so much
>importance, does not seem to me of much practical use in helping mankind.
>This is not practical charity.
>THEOSOPHIST. We think otherwise. We hold that a good book which gives people
>food for thought, which strengthens and clears their minds, and enables
>them to grasp truths which they have dimly felt but could not formulate -- 
>we hold that such a book does a real, substantial good. As to what you call
>practical deeds of charity, to benefit the bodies of our fellow-men, we do
>what little we can.... What the Theosophist has to do above all is to forget
>his personality.
>(KEY TO THEOSOPHY, p248-249)


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