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Theos-World RE: One Soul or Many Souls/ One Dream or Many Dreams

Feb 16, 1999 01:44 AM
by D. Porter

Dear Dallas,

Sorry for the turnaround on the piece below...but i've been rather busy. I
think you nicely tie up most threads by ending in the theosophical
fundamentals, so i'll only address those that I personally have not resolved



>4.	Akasa has a number of attributes.  One has to look for them in
>the SD Index and assemble them.  Chiefly, it is the eternal
>record of every Monad's experiences.  It does not vary, nor does
>it disappear.  It therefore is a record of history as well as of
>the adventures of every Monad.  Our past is there for the Wise to
>review if necessary and for us to see when we have developed the
>wisdom and fortitude to stand such a perception.  It is not used
>for curiosity "surfing," but stands as a fact available for those
>who may need it.

*** You say 'every monad' - but I thought there was only ONE monad. This
seems to be another area i am making a hash of.

>of man is essential to do this.  The "dreamer" is always the ONE
>CONSCIOUSNESS that is our true self, the decision maker and the
>user of the Mind as of all other faculties.  It is the pupil
>working in the school of Life from incarnation to incarnation and
>using all the many personalities.  Our character and capacities
>are evidence of what we have learned and also indicate what
>remains for us to learn.

(we are the dreamers, the world-makers....)

>7. 	You seem to confuse the idea of the UNIVERSAL SOUL with our
>own Soul Identity.  Our identity is our identity.  The Soul is
>the MIND.  It is your Monad which is using and working through
>the mental faculties.  The Mind serves to link the creative
>SPIRITUAL powers and forces with the MATERIAL FORMS and
>there is a corresponding link which consists of the united
>faculties of all Mind-beings.

Or the corollory - all mind-beings exist because of the ONE link, but do
they exist objectively? I personally reject objectivism.

>It is the universal cement that unites all living things and the
>source of LAW and justice and fairness.  Some term it divine
>love.  In another way we could call it the UNIVERSAL MONAD in
>which and from which all individual Monads have emerged.  No this
>many be asking you to stretch your mind a good deal, but words
>are such limiting traps.  It is the story of the "Eye" versus the
>"Heart" doctrine, always.

This makes me think of a film title i recently saw 'Love is the Devil'.

>8.	Necessity is a good question.  Why not simply say we are all
>here together.  We are all asking why.  And this kind of
>discussion brings out what we know and don't know.  Some surmises
>are then checked out to see if they are valid or not in other
>minds.  If you have the SD, check vol. 2, p. 176 top on Desire
>(Universal Desire) also something is written on that on II p.
>578-9 and 484 bottom.  One thing is sure:  we are not the
>playthings of some vast Power.  And certainly not of a whimsical
>and cruel "Personal God."  The fact that there are so many
>religions and beliefs, and there is no move to either unify them
>or erase them, ought to make it plain that they are constructed
>by men to subjugate others.  Hence they befuddle the mind.

What I mean by 'necessity' is more like - Is there something we MUST be
doing or something that MUST be done. Is there some really important goal
or can we take our progress at a leisurely pace? Is there some horrible
punishment for failure? I don't mean on a personal level - I fully
understand that we are all our own judges in the after-death 'weighing of
the heart' and give ourselves our own subjective devachanic Heaven or Hell.

>11.	The "Dreamspell" of the Mayas is an illustration of the
>present mind-desire linkage.  It produces selfishness.  When we
>see the alternative, we make the effort to break the "spell."
>Necessity is the pathway that leads on in our own evolution.  We
>begin to "widen out to the Universal."

Just out of interest the Mayans beleive the Dreamspell will end for
collective humanity (this race) on December 22 2012. At least their
cyclical calendar ends on this date - and it's start date was interestingly
enough the day Adonis D ploughed into Atlantis sinking it beneath the waves.

>14.	A STRANGE STORY is a marvelous example ....<SNIP>...g.  As to Jung's
"making contact with the
>animus" - it has two meanings apparently:  1.) animating or
>actuating spirit, and 2.) a feeling or spirit of hostility or
>hatred and animosity.  The first seems neutral enough, as our
>motive lend it coloring, morally.  The second in on the "Dark
>Side" as I suggested.  But that needs to be defined, each for
>himself.  Jung devised special words to serve as short-cuts in
>conveying ideas.  Theosophy does the same, but it also simplifies
>and tries to make relations clear when conveying concepts.  Why
>need the "dark side" be encouraged?  Who created it?  If we can
>determine that we will know what to do.

I don't think 'anyone' created a dark side. it just is. And by contacting
ones inner darkside I don't mean encouraging it - more like a facing all of
ones deepest fears...

>15.	Bardo needs adjustment with the Theosophical concepts.  KEY
>TO THEOSOPHY on after-death states ought to be used.

Look I have a problem with that personally as I've stated before. The KEY
seems to be very simplistic (almost like What Dreams May Come???). The
Bardo is in fact very scientific. When one actually experiences Wave
Vibration reality or the elements 'collapsing or withdrawing' into one
another the Bardo's meanings become lucid. To me devachan is just one small
part of the Bardo's - as I've said before the 'Hallucinatory Theatre'. (is
SOMA mortomimetic? can we recreate the death process for ourselves, a sort
of trial run? )

>Best wishes to you,		Dal

And to you as always,


"devil inside, devil inside, every single one of us...the devil inside" - INXS

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