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RE: Practical theosophy: The TWO SELVES in the Bhagavad Gita

Jan 27, 1999 05:52 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Jan 27th 1999

In the 6th chapter of the B. GITA Krishna starts by telling
that the ultimate results of the intellectual and analytical
school ( Sankhya) and the devotional practical school (Yoga) are
the same when combined with wisdom and experience:  "...a
renouncer of action and a devotee of right action...No one
without having preciously renounced all intentions can be
devoted."  [ GITA Ch. 6, pp. 45-6 ULT Edn.)

Detachment from anticipated results is to be replaced by an
impersonal weighing of that which is "right to be done" under the
circumstances - something which any right-minded individual would
do - taking universal ethics and morality into account.  In other
words, putting our personal preferences aside and doing "the
right thing."   Not easy !  But if we were to take the attitude
that all the time our actions are open to everyone to look into,
we would perhaps act more impartially, impersonally and honestly
with everyone.

Meditation can be attained when "he hath renounced all intentions
and is devoid of attachment to action in regard to objects of
sense..."  On p. 47 he then proceeds to show Arjuna how the 2
"Self's" in man interact.

"He should raise the [lower, embodied] self by the Self [the
imperishable Spirit/Soul],  let him not suffer the Self to be
lowered;  for Self {the Higher] is the friend of self [the
lower], and, in like manner, self [the lower] is its own enemy."

The play on the Higher and the Lower Self is explained by HPB in
the KEY TO THEOSOPHY in those pages where she details the
qualities and potentials of the Higher and the Lower Mind
(Manas).  [KEY, pp. 171-186]

The three lines of evolution (SD I 181) are to be seen active in
us.  The physical body gives residence to the embodied Mind [the
lower] and the Higher Mind acts as its Tutor/Mentor - through
intuition and the "voice of Conscience."

The rest of that chapter from then on is Krishna's explanation of
this philosophical system.

That is how I see it.



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