Re: Re: Self-reliance
Dec 06, 1998 09:55 PM
by Leon Maurer
In a message dated 12/7/98 2:55:00 AM, Tony wrote:
>Interesting. I know I ask a LOT of questions and say some silly things. But
>I try to get an answer before posting to the list - but it's a bit hard
>because I've only 2 books on Theosophy and nobody else except you lot who
>can help me with it. I've had a few occult teachers and 1 friend interested
>in occult things - but when I took on Theosophy they all left me to myself.
None of us are alone. If beginning theosophy students have access to the
Internet, most all the books are reprinted online. They can locate reference
links at <A HREF="";></A> and
<A HREF="";></A> This includes the
original _Secret Doctrine_ and tutorial articles by HPB and WQJ. They can
also access the _Theosophical Correspondence Course_. And, for indexed
tutorial articles from _THEOSOPHY_ magazine since its inception around 1910,
you can go to <A HREF="";></A>.
>BTW, I do think I exercise self-reliance - you'd dread to see all the
>questions I sometimes want to ask (like where does the soul of an animal go
>to after death - Devachan?, or does it get re-born straight away?)
I'm sure questions from new students about their understanding of what is
studied, will always be we welcome by more advanced student-teachers who are
reading these letters. There's no problem asking that question. It's a good
one. (But, since it needs references, Dallas may be able to answer it better
than me--so I'll pass for now.:-)
Best wishes,
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