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Re: - What does Theosophy deal with ?

Aug 10, 1998 06:14 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Aug 10th 1998

Dear Doss:

Thanks for welcome.  Not only did computer crash twice but I was also in
hospital briefly for pneumonia.  Hope this is the end of troubles !

I think we all ought to thiink as to how Theosophy ought to be defined to
ourselves and amongst us -- I mean the fundamentals

We will all spend a lot of time on details if we don't have HPB's teachings
firmly in mind.  I find after a year's work with all who have given such
useful contributions in this, our group, that many times we seem to go out
on "limbs of thought" and seem to forget for a while that all "limbs" are
attached to a "trunk."

I would call that "trunk" the record of the Perennial Philosophy -- the
"Wisdom-Religion" -- or, Theosophy.  I say:  We all owe this view, in this
era, to HPB, and she, in turn, acted as the recording Agent of the
Mahatmas -- who many times gave her their accreditation [ see "Mahatma
Letters" ].

They are living men who have perfected all their faculties so that they are
in perfect tune with Nature in all its many departments.  They therefore are
able to provide us with information that is integrative in nature.  This, in
turn, leads us to independently set our minds to verify their exposition
made through HPB.

While there can be as many opinons as we please, there has to be some
central foundation from which, and to which we all may refer.  That provides
stability.  It also gives us as a group of researchers a basis from which to
think and discuss.
The method is entirely Scientific, as the accumulation of data has to be
related in time and space to some central base.  We all make contributions
to this and add our experience and thought to the Whole.

I also believe that some will object to such a "foundational" concept.  They
may think that this limits their freedom to think and to inquire.

It is not so intended.  In SD I 272-3, HPB lays open the basis (quite
Scientific) on which the Fundamentals have been verified.  She speaks there
of the ceaseless work of verification that proceeds and continues.  We add
to it.

Each of us ought to verify those fundamentals and assure ourselves of their

1.    The manifested Universe we sense in various ways emanates from the
ABSOLUTE indescribable "background" which forms the timeless and
dimensionless basis for all our limitations in time and space.

The closest idea to this in our manifested condition is SPACE -- which
includes all things and also all times.  Actually "Time" is a limited
manifestation in "DURATION," which is timeless.  The word "SPACE" may be
employed to give to "SPIRIT" a meaning -- as the best, highest, most
inclusive of IDEAS.  None of us can divorse themselves from involvment in
SPIRIT  (or jump out of SPACE).

2.    What causes MANIFESTATION ?  In terms of logical answers HPB in the S
D says:  LAW.  That is the Eternal and sourceless KARMA of our whole
Universe including every smallest manifested unit therein.  [ see SD I
 14 -18 ]

When a new Universe comes into manifestation it does so under KARMA and is
the result, or reincarnation, of an earlier Universe.  [ We as humans follow
the same pattern.  We (as immortal Spirit-Souls) reincarnate, using a
succession of bodies, the matter aggregated thereto forms, successively, our
new personalities. ]

3.    EVOLUTION and growth in experience is the third great Idea.
Everything becomes more intelligent, more conscious of the Self as time
passes and experience flows by.  This is not only the great tendency of LIFE
but offers as an idea, the potential of learning everything that can be
known in our Universe, given the time to seek and learn.  And this may take
many incarnations.

This leads me to the concept that we are all, at core, immortal pupils.  And
that the Earth and Universe we live in, is a School.  Each life is like a
day spent at school and when the time comes for the body to die, the
experience of our lives is accumulated, and then in due course after a rest
(in Devachan) is carried forward (by the immortal We, the real Spirit-Soul)
to the next life.

To me, from these few ideas all the rest can be related.:  sleep, dreams,
extra sensory peception, Karma -- good or bad --, etc., etc.,

Every great sage in the past has left some record that dovetails with the
findings and records of their illustrious predecessors.  HPB gave us the
idea that there is (and has always been) a "college" of the Wise  [ see ISIS
UNVEILED  II pp 98 - 107 ].

Some ask if they can contact the Masters I see from recent postings.  Is
this not premature ?  Is it not like the freshman in college asking if the
President of the University will give him time to meet and handle his
questions -- before he or she has acquired the wisdom to know what to ask
and why that time is to be given to them.  Are any of us so important ?  We
may think we are important, but does that make it necessary for the Masters
to arrive at our doorstep ?  And if a Master should visit us, have we the
knowledge to recognize one ?  Is this not one of the reasons why people who
are either curious or impatient desire such contact -- and if they should be
granted it, would they, like "poor Brown" (in MAHATMA LETTERS) recognize, be
frightened, and turn away from the opportunity ?  Each one ought to answer
themselves on this subject.

The answer is yes and no.  As we advance in knowledge and usefulness we will
find that opportunities arise that give us such contacts.  Are we fitted to
recognize them?  Anyone who has read MAHATMA LETTERS will recollect the
several conditions under which such contact may be made.  We may also be
sure that if our work and progress in active brotherliness continues we will
attract the attention of the Wise and we will receive such "help" as we
deserve.  Such is the great law of assistance to all.  But it does not
satisfy the merely curious.

A few thoughts are these on this wonerful subject, and on Theosophy which is
our best tool and assistant as we proceed along the "Path."

Best wishes, as always


                                                    Dallas TenBroeck

> Date: Sunday, August 09, 1998 7:59 AM
> From: "M K Ramadoss" <>
> Subject: Re: - What does Theosophy deal with ?

>Dear Dallas:
>Nice to see back.
>Let me add my 0.02.
>To me at least, Theosophy presents a most comprehensive account of man and
>the universe, even though at present it may be a working hypothesis. I have
>not seen anything else which is better. I am grateful for finding

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