my god, i'm a selfish bastard
Jul 29, 1998 07:06 PM
by Darren Porter
Just a light hearted aside-
Kym wrote:
>The adage "Know a person's God, and you will know the person" is a truism.
Is this like the dog and owner theory?
Jake wrote (but not in answer to previous question, although it sort of
runs on nicely):
>>It is like a pet dog I know of, for analogy purposes.
>>It has been chained all its life and will not leave the length
>>of its chain when it is even unhooked.
Then kym said:
>Are you referring to a real dog here? "Analogy purposes" make this unclear.
(nos interjects)
It depends on whether you can use dog as an anagram of god or an analogy of
god, or as an analaogy of anagram of god, or as an anamgram of an analogy
of god.
Kym continues
>If so, I suggest you immediately contact the Humane Society. This is
>blatant cruelty to animals and must not be tolerated. And a firm tongue
>lashing of the dog's guardians is in order.
Oooooh yes please!!!!!! Put me down for a good tongue lashing.
my fathers backward son
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