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Re: ICQ Theosophy Group

Jun 11, 1998 05:15 PM
by Rodolfo Don

>On Thu, 11 Jun 1998 11:17:28 +0900, you wrote:
>>The ICQ group is proving to be a headache due to Mirabilis' incompetence. I
>>have created a page called 'Theosophy' that is to list any ICQ user that
>>wishes to register so others may contact them and have included links, info
>>etc. However for some bizarre reason it doesn't seem to exist on the ICQ
>>server. I keep getting OLE OCDB errors and the time delays in fixing
>>anything are enormous. So at this point in time I recommend that anyone
>>interested just uses the ICQ net-detect client and that we each pass around
>>our ICQ #'s as has been the case in the past few days. Eventually in the
>>future I will look at setting up the list page again. If anyone else would
>>like to try please feel free as It may just be something on my PC (or just
>>my ineptitude) that is causing the problems.
>>Curent ICQ members:
>>NOS (me - Darren) - 12448929
>>Thoa		   - 13809746
>>Eldon		   - 8244261
>>Pam 		   - 9274727
>>Dallas		   - 13760916
>Bee                           4291138
Rudy                            9114742

I registered a few months ago, but I've never used it.

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