Re: Second death
May 28, 1998 09:01 PM
by Bjorn Roxendal
W. Dallas TenBroeck wrote:
> If you think HPB is difficult and out-of-date, try cackling an in
> depth study of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks,
No thanks.
> Have you tried to
> disentangle the meaning of the Zohar, or of the Bhagavad Gita ?
Only Bhagavad Gita. Seems more straightforward than HPB does to me.
> I can think of dozens of writings that are far more difficult
> than she is.
It isn't only difficulty I am talking about. I am able to read some pretty
difficult stuff, but I DO find HPB somewhat obscure in comparison. I am tempted
to offer a suggestion for explanation of this obscurity. Its like she is
"overdoing" it, mentally speaking. But I'll refrain from attempted explanations,
since I really don't want to appear to be "critical", that's not my point.
> I don't think
> the KEY is all that difficult.
No it isn't. There is a big differences in style between the KEY and the SD.
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