Re: What is the main problem?
May 02, 1998 08:06 AM
by Bjorn Roxendal
The problem is out-of-alignment, due to the lack of understanding and compliance
with cosmic law. As soon as we fully accept and apply cosmic law problems are no
Kazimir Majorinc wrote:
> Dear theosophists (and enochians, etc)!
> What is the main problem that should be solved? I'm searching for short
> and explicite claims that are not typical neither for 'exoteric' non
> 'esoteric' phylosophy. Just few examples: Buddha considered suffer as such
> problem. Christians do not consider explicitely this problem; it seems that
> they think that it is personal salvation, although it is not clear from
> what and to what. Aristotel, Socrat, Heraklit, Platon did not considered
> such question at all. It may be that Marx thought that the problem is the
> world is 'the empire of necessity' which should be exchanged to 'empire of
> freedom'. The main claim of Upanisade is atman=brahman, but it is not clear
> what problem they want to solve with it. I'm interested both in classics
> and your opinion, but if you have any answer, be short and very explicit!
> ______________________________________________________________
> Kazimir Majorinc, dipl. ing. math.
> Faculty of Natural Sciences and Math, University of Zagreb
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> L A S T A N S W E R S T O L A S T Q U E S T I O N S
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