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Re:Science Conference

Apr 17, 1998 01:24 AM
by Fernando de Freitas

 The International Theosophical Society, established in 1875 in NY, by
H.P.Blavatsky and H.S.Olcoot. The property in Adyar, Madras, India become
the International Headquarter since 1882.
 Today, TS is established in 60 coutries, with 32,000 members in all the
 A "National Section" only make sense if the organization is
"International", and yours statements are the same in any country.
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Thoa Tran <>
Para: <>
Data: Sexta-feira, 17 de Abril de 1998 07:20
Assunto: Science Conference

>>Perhaps you went to the *other* American Section's home page?
>>There are *two* international theosophical societies, one with
>>international headquarters in Adyar, India, and national headquarters
>>in Wheaton, Illinois. This is probably the one you were thinking of.
>>The *other* one has both national and international headquarters
>>in Pasadena, California, and Alan Donant is the head of it's
>>American Section, the equalivant in that T.S. of whan John Algeo
>>is in the other one.
>Yep, I did go to the other section. Boy, I'm so confused with all these
>theosophical branches, neo-theosophical branches and mixed breeds. I was
>looking at application information for the TSA, and found dues for the
>Society, dues for National, and then dues for local Lodges. The dues were
>reasonable. However, it makes me wonder whether I would be joining in the
>right section, area, side of the coin. Why are there two international
>theosophical societies? Any difference? Anyway, the objects look the
>same. Whatever the reality may be, the stated objects correlate with my
>Thoa :o)

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