Re:Re: The "Eternal Present: and KARMA
Apr 13, 1998 03:48 PM
by Jerry Schueler
>Jerry Schueler <> writes
>> The Christian desires paradise
>>and the avoidance of hell. It can't be done. Both have to go.
>Nice idea! In my view, however, we are already living in hell, and
>cannot avoid it. Paradise is an altered state usually only attainable
>physical death. Having said all that, there remains the vexing question of
>definition of the terms used!
Alan, I have no problem with the idea of this Earth being hell, and
the after-life being heaven. Again, you just can't have one without
the other--thus the necessity of reincarnation or a need to cycle
back and forth between the two until both are transcended.
Jerry S.
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