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Mar 18, 1998 09:29 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

Dear Jeff,

Yes, Swedenborg is considered a "theosophist" in the 18th century
meaning of that word. After Swedenborg's death, his followers formed an
organization dedicated to the study of his writings.  The organization
was called "The Theosophical Society."  sometime before 1825, it was
re-organized into today's Swedenborgian Church.  Of course, there is no
organizational connection between this and the Theosophical Society that
was founded by Blavatsky, Olcott, Judge and others in 1875.


Jeff Needle wrote:

> Hello, all.  I don't think I've ever posted publicly here before;
> I've been lurking for a long time, and enjoying the discussions.
> I am Swedenborgian, and have wondered what feeling there is about
> any connection Emanuel Swedenborg might have had with Theosophy.
> At least one secular biography of Swedenborg called him a
> theosophist; I've never seen any support for this before.
> Does anyone around here have any ideas?
> Thanks!

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