Re:Ed Abdill's Post
Mar 06, 1998 11:52 AM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Thank you Bart. I believe that this was exactly what you were told. Yes, I have talked to many
ES members, wardens and even general secretaries over the past thirty-five years, and I can
assure you that you received a very standard answer. But to say that they learn nothing that is
not available to the general public is really a non answer if you think about it. Even if they
embrace the entire corpus of theosophical literature, there is going to be a certain spin, a
certain interpretation. . . are you getting my drift now?
Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> Jerry Hejka-Ekins wrote:
> > Get real Bart. You said that you were told the "proceedings and teachings." What
> > theosophical book an ES group is studying on a given week is common knowledge to whoever
> > sells the books in that Lodge. You made a straight statement. I asked a straight
> > question, so how about a straight answer. Since you say none of this is secret, what
> > were you told to be the proceedings and teachings of the ES?
> If you want to know the exact ceremonies that take place at an E.S. meeting, it involves
> each member giving certain pass-phrases which theoretically determines that they are all
> entitled to be there; it has a deeper purpose, however, of setting a mood of seriousness. The
> exact passwords are the one aspect of the E.S. which the members are required to keep secret.
> As far as the "teachings" of the E.S., there is nothing that they learn that is not available
> to the general public. I must admit that I did not bother taking notes. Have you ever thought
> of asking an E.S. member?
> Bart Lidofsky
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