Re:Ed Abdill's Post
Mar 06, 1998 08:02 AM
by Bart Lidofsky
Jerry Hejka-Ekins wrote:
> Get real Bart. You said that you were told the "proceedings and teachings." What
> theosophical book an ES group is studying on a given week is common knowledge to whoever
> sells the books in that Lodge. You made a straight statement. I asked a straight
> question, so how about a straight answer. Since you say none of this is secret, what
> were you told to be the proceedings and teachings of the ES?
If you want to know the exact ceremonies that take place at an E.S. meeting, it involves
each member giving certain pass-phrases which theoretically determines that they are all
entitled to be there; it has a deeper purpose, however, of setting a mood of seriousness. The
exact passwords are the one aspect of the E.S. which the members are required to keep secret.
As far as the "teachings" of the E.S., there is nothing that they learn that is not available
to the general public. I must admit that I did not bother taking notes. Have you ever thought
of asking an E.S. member?
Bart Lidofsky
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