Re:U L T book speaks out on W Judge & dead Blavatsky/K Tingley & deceased Judge
Feb 27, 1998 11:58 AM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Dear David,
Once again we have mis-communicated. My comments to you have not been about
my opinions on the Judge material you have posted. Aside from my initial
November 1997 post, I do not believe that I have expressed my opinions on
Judge. Rather, my communications to you over the past several months have
all concerned issues of courtesy, protocol, and research methodology. Since
you have not responded to these issues (except the last, to some extent)
either by an acknowledgment or change in behavior, I have, perhaps wrongly
assumed that you do not understand these matters well enough to make a
response. But it could also be that you choose to ignore them. Whatever
the reason, it is obvious to me that my efforts to communicate with you have
only resulted in a waste of time.
So, I believe that this ends our business, except to respond to your
persistent criticism about my comment on the Jan. 1895 letter, where I said
that all ES communications during this time frame came from England, and
that I had no record of an ES communication for the date you gave. This is
just one more example of your not giving complete enough information upon
which to make an accurate comment. I asked you to give a complete citing so
that we can put the document in context. In your next communication you
cited the Nov. 1932 O.E. Literary critic as your source. When I looked up
your reference, I found that the E.S. communication in question was actually
sent out a year later than the date you gave in your initial post. So that
explains my confusion over the European verses the American return
address. You give me wrong information, I give you wrong answers. It is
that simple.
David Green wrote:
> Yes, letters need authentication.
> Of course. Yet when JHE recounts
> secretaries writing letters
> and W Judge's signature being
> stamped on letters, this scenario
> not applying to two 1895 letters
> of W Judge.
> I've read "O E Library Critic" articles.
> In Novem 1932 magazine, article's title is
> "A letter from W.Q. Judge to Dr. A. Keightley."
> Besides letterhead, rest of letter "written
> in ink in the handwriting of William Q. Judge."
> Transcript of dead Mrs Blavatsky's words
> also in W Judge's handwriting. This
> certified by Iverson L Harris, Joseph H
> Fussell, Elsie V Savage, Margherita Siren &
> Helen Harris. Earlier JHE claimed W Judge
> was in England at time of writing letter
> but Dr Stokes confirms W Judge was residing
> in New York early Janu 1895.
> 2nd W Judge letter in article "A letter
> from W.Q. Judge to Katherine Tingely."
> "Critic" Octo 1932.
> After transcription, certification reads-----
> "The above is an exact copy made by me
> of an original letter in William Q. Judge's
> handwriting, written on two sides of
> one sheet of white paper." etc etc etc etc
> Signed Iverson L Harris & confirmed
> J H Fussell, Helena Harris, Elsie V
> Savage & Margherita Siren.
> Other version of dead Mrs Blavatsky's messages
> in W Judge's handwriting examined by
> Dr Stokes & old friends of W Judge---------
> "I was furnished with photographs of most of these
> forgotten and now rediscovered documents. These
> I compared, with the assistance of old friends of Judge,
> with unquestionably genuine and personal letters of
> Judge in their possession and in the presence of a person
> expert in examining handwriting, and the unanimous
> conclusion was that the documents were actually
> written by Judge."
> "Critic" Novem----Decem 1934
> Letters are stored in Point Loma archives. Where is this?
> Point Loma Pubs San Diego or Theos Soc Pasadena?
> Again I ask D Tenbroeck & JHE for correct location &
> email address. Let's write letters asking for verification.
> Since both you well known students & with own libraries,
> why not write to verify instead of expressing doubt
> & vague generalities?
> D Green
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