(The bad kshattryas taking over)
Jan 28, 1998 08:27 PM
by Brenda S Tucker
I am posting three messages from another discussion list that I
am a member of, but I don't suggest that you subscribe to it
(Conflight-L) because there are tons and tons of messages every
day - much too difficult to keep up with for someone who is
having trouble reading all of her mail already..... but maybe if
you find a new mail server. Sometimes the chanellings are better
than others.
Good luck.
> Post-No.: conflight-l/1998-01-27/1976 (digest-marker)
> From: El Morya Melchizedek <siriusb@nym.alias.net>
> Subject: Letter to the Starry Family
> * Crossposted to 80 Internet newsgroups
> [photo is at
> <http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/7680/photo2.gif%5D>http://www.geoci
> ties.com/Area51/Chamber/7680/photo2.gif]
> I am El Morya Melchizedek, who is appealing to all the Star Brothers
> and their descendants the Toltecs incarnated on Earth (Urantia-Ales)
> in the present time with this public letter.
> The time has come to awake from sleep and to unite into
> the Spiritual groups. Now the collective work is required, which
> has as purpose the awakening of the Individual and Collective
> Consciousness of those Beings, who have the Seed of Spirit and are
> incarnated on the Earth from the other Star Systems, and also
> the awakening of Children of Urantia-Ales.
> By the Will of the Universal Creator this Planet moves through
> the accelerated consciousness activation, that's why all
> the spiritually advanced Beings have to actively assist this
> Process.
> The time has come for the collective work:
> "The advanced beings of all the countries -- get united!".
> El Morya Melchizedek
> January 12, 1998
> * Publications of this letter via the local newsgroups, mailing
> lists of the appropriate topic and via the public media are welcome.
> Post-No.: conflight-l/1998-01-27/1984 (digest-marker)
> From: Antaris <lobo@highway.com.py>
> Subject: RV: ***First Armendeus message of 1998 ~received by alex
> alex@logicdomain.com
> January 25, 1998AD
> 8:10pm PST (usa)
> Dearly Beloved Friends:
> It is a most glorious and wonderous time again for us to
> communicate to you as we participate in this fantastic journey
> that all of your are creating here on Earth. Many of you are
> now holding the global BIRTH VISION together, as so eloquently
> shared by author James Redfield, and to our utter amazement, you
> are truely creatures of the universal jewel, created in the
> image and likeness of GOD as you constantly surprise us in the
> evolutionary leap in consciousness that you undertake.
> The seeds of transformation are already in place. All throughout
> your worlds have the momentum for visionary transfigurtion begun.
> In your science, philosophies, interdimenational contacts,
> intergalactic contacts, and most importantly, global human
> consciousness, are you experiencing new discoveries every moment
> as you proceed spirit first to the return of HEAVEN on EARTH.
> As many of your anticipate, there will be unprecedented phenomena
> and events throughout this year, events which have never happened
> in the history of your 'modern' civillization, which will be the
> precursor of grandular paradigm changes to the interdimensional,
> intergalactic crossroads of GOD's creation, from now through
> well into the 31st century. Be assured my friends, that the
> many changes which are coming will come gently, and that each
> and every one of the souls of creation will reach the place of
> bliss and eternal joyousness so enscribed in your heavenly
> depictions.
> It is my greatest honor to bring to you this message today,
> which will reach the eyes, ears, and hearts of all those who
> are meant to hear and know this today, that the team of Angelic
> divine beings as planned by the holiness Archangel Micha-el
> are well into their final awakeing hours on your planet's
> physical surface. These beings will soon come forth to be
> known within every facet of your civillization; in the arts,
> entertainment, politics, business, and sports, as their
> 'miraculous' effect reach the masses through their sheer
> presence on this planet, amplifying ever more the positive
> LOVE of the 'Christ Consciousness' on in your world.
> Do not be alarmed, yet stay CLEAR in the FLOW my dear friends,
> for there are no coincidences, but only miracles of the divine
> order, which is an inheritence within us ALL. Each day by
> day as we focus within to live each day and each hour in the
> perspective of our hearts, to become the best, most loving
> beings that we can be, we are self-choosing the prophecies of
> the ancients of the alchemy of change, from base consciousness
> to 'gold' consciousness.
> This year will mark the beginning of the battle on the physical
> of the third and last Luciferian Rebellion of this 7th Heaven
> of GOD. The 5 Satans of Lucifer are now present and incarnate
> physically on this planet, as are all 5 of the Melchizedeks of
> light, as ALL is in unifield balance. We will share with you
> at this time, as we reveal events which have taken place around
> the world to what is happening behind the scenes from our
> perspective.
> This last few months have seen the economic, environmental,
> and psychic collapse in the region of Indonesia, specifically,
> on the island of Borneo. There, incarnate in an obscure aboriginal
> tribe is a female witch doctor who has completed her 'walk-in'
> process of one of Lucifer's 'satanic' messengers. It is because
> of her presence, that you see the region collapse to the point
> where 737 planes are even falling apart, victimzing hundreds
> by merely flying over the region.
> In contrast to this, as all is in yin-yang balance, is the
> near completion of an Angelic beings whom you all know well
> and channel in the Western United States. This being has anchored
> such positive channels as to inspire the setting up of technologies
> which have effectively cleared the south west region of effects
> of the 'El Nino' system which should have flooded most of
> the southern Californian coast by this time, with technologies
> as simple as 'coils'.
> You Middle East region is now frought with turmoil as another
> such 'satan' from Lucifer has completed her activations on the
> Island of Madagascar in an obscure aboriginal tribe as a
> female witchdoctor. From there she has opened geometical
> stargates which allow interdimensional beasts of belial to
> enter into your Middle East, directly influencing the conflicts
> and turmoils both now in Iraq and in the Isreali-Palentenian
> territories.
> There is also currently a massive walk-in migration of many
> beings from the Pleidian and Sirian cultures into your world.
> As a result of continuing conflicts with the Draconian and
> Reptillion empires and the 'Galactic Federation', the
> Andromedan high council has elected on behalf of the Ashtar
> Command to lead a massive counter-strike before the end of
> this year, with a dramatic presence which will make this part
> of GOD's creation known to your world.
> This year will also mark potential merging of the three
> parallel time lines which currently run in your realities.
> As the world will continue to be informed by the media and
> as the global elite become continuously desperate in their
> last ditch effort for their 'all seeing eyes' paradigm and
> their 'new world order', you will see the mobilization and
> further empowerment of the United Nations as a front for a
> staged 'global federation' which will involved the International
> Banking System, the Trilateral Commission, the global elite
> families, which will make way for the presence of the
> draconions en masse in this world.
> There are merely events which we see as 'possible' and
> 'probable' at this time from our reality. We do not however,
> hold any of this as set in concrete events, as we cannot
> forecast the future in anyway, but merely to share a
> general trend based on what is happening in the etheric and
> physical at this time. Though there will be many physical
> geological change, some of which may come suddenly, there
> is no need for alarm, as those of you who read these words
> will know by following the paths you have chosen up to now,
> and listen to your gut instinct, your intutions, of the heart
> and spirit to follow into the new emerging world of the
> miraculous LOVE of GOD. Hence then, will be the splitting of
> the wheat from the chaff, as those who chose to live in
> prosperity, abundance, and bubbling happiness, will help
> make the ripple effect into the eventual HEAVEN on EARTH.
> Only this we know....that in the beginning was GOD and in
> the end is GOD, and as GOD is unconditional pure LOVE
> consciousness, CREATION will ultimately SMILE in the
> entertainment of this ever fantastic cosmic movie.
> Stay in Love my dear friends, and remember that you are
> doing a fantastic job exactly where you are, and to give
> yourself a pat on the back for where you are today. This
> year will be filled with the fulfilment of your wildest
> dreams and goals, as you vibrate, ever resonate, in the
> happiness called LOVE.
> WE are only a dreamtime away....
> I AM
> eternally abundant
> bearer of the blue flame,
> Armendeus,
> Sirian Ambassador General
> Post-No.: conflight-l/1998-01-23/1943 (digest-marker)
> From: jacques groenen <jacques.groenen@pi.net>
> Subject: Message from Kuthumi
> Message from Ascended Master Kuthumi
> to the Lightworkers
> of the Shield of the Command
> (The Netherlands)
> Beloved Children of the Rainbow Heart, it is I Kuthumi, I speak in the
> unified voice of Shakti/Shiva, Metatron, Melchizedek and the Divine
> Mother Mary. I come to you this day to deliver this message of
> importance to the Great Workers of the Shield of the Command. Their
> shields shine and sparkle with the splendor of many diamonds and Arthur
> is their King. Beloved Children, realize the importance of your tasks to
> Unite the People of the Earth, bringing the Glory and the Joy into the
> Hearts of Mankind.
> Aeons have past after the fall of Atlantis, dark clouds came before the
> Light. The Light never left you and morning has broken to shine your
> Lights again. All Ancient Ones who receive this message into their
> Hearts and resonate with their Truth are the workers of the Shield of
> the Command, destined to bring Light into the deepest darkness, removing
> the spell of one against one, all against all. The Sword from the Left
> Hand of Lord Michael shall be with you cutting the ties of division and
> pointing the way to Truth Divine.
> Open Thy Hearts and let your wonderful colors flow and dance. Empty your
> minds and let the Glory of the Precious Mind stream in. Release the
> Powers of Love in every moment and let them encompass the Earth. Connect
> your Hearts with the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdom, call on the
> Devas and proceed with Joy. The Power and Holy Fire of the Goddess is
> returning, bringing the healing Flame of Divine Kundalini, sweeping away
> all what is less then Oneness. Shakti and Shiva will abundantly dance in
> all their Splendor and Beauty.
> Dear Ones, gather all your strength and courage to make Beloved Terra
> move into the One. Go into the heart of China, travel and rejoice,
> connecting East and West, bridging North and South. Melt the separation
> of male and female with Divine Joy in your Hearts. Being God's Children
> creating a new Golden Era. New Camelot is born on Earth.
> Namaste, Adonai, Adonai, Adonai,
> I AM Kuthumi
> (Received by Jacques Groenen Januari 22 1998, 14.00h)
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