Re:Re: Yod He Vau He
Jan 29, 1998 04:55 AM
by Pam Giese
>From Keith
> Yet, like I said in the Proem she say clearly not to accept her words,
> to test it for oneself in a "scientific" type of manner. I believe this
> the only way possible for the modern person. Accepting things on faith
> based on "AUTHORITY" and finding them ridiculous, is what got mey
> in theosophy".....
I'd like to add to this that there also needed to be an incorporation of
other's works into our own innate understanding of things. In some ways,
and beyond those elementary stages of the path, the writings "reveal" more
than they can "teach". "Let him who has ears hear". (various spots in
Revelations 2&3).
I've been reading David Tansley's "Chakra's- Rays and Radionics". He has a
pertinent quote in his discussion of his application of Alice Bailey's
works to healing and radionics:
"Not surprisingly this area of esoteric knowledge contains its own
protective boundary or ring-pass-not. The practioner has to penetrate this
body of knowledge with pure motive, this means that knowledge is acquired
for the use of serving others, not self-agrandisment or to bolster the
image of the personality. There must be a high level of creative interest
in the subject matter, and an enthusiastic approach toward knowledge --this
approach allows the practioner to touch upon the real knowledge of the rays
that simply isn't available from the cursory reading. The knowledge of the
rays has to be transformed into self-knowledge, it has to be absorbed so it
becomes part of the individual. As this happens, the barriers recede and
give way to greater awareness, thus the practioner renders himself
p, 16
>From: "M K Ramadoss" <>
>Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 07:46:08 -0600
>Subject: Re:Updates and New Additions to Theosophical History Webpage
The url is very informative and is very well done. Especially the index is
very useful to anyont interested in theosophical history.
Do you have any plans to put the full texts in downloadable files so that
anyone interested can instantaneously get them via Internet? It will very
useful and helful for many.
I am also posting this to theos-x lists.
At 11:48 AM 1/28/1998 -0500, John Patrick Deveney wrote:
>The Theosophical History webpage has been updated and a great deal of new
>and exciting material added!!
>Check out:
>--The current issue of Theosophical History journal, Volume VII/1, January
>1998, is almost available, with articles and comments by Jean Overton
>Fuller, Dan Merkur, Alan Donant and others.
>--Theosophical History Occasional Papers, Volume VI is now available:
>Astral Projection or Liberation of the Double and the Work of the Early
>Theosophical Society, by John Patrick Deveney
>--The full text of the Forewards by James A. Santucci to the Astral
>Projection monograph and to earlier Occasional Papers by Govert Sch=FCller
>and Jean-Louis Si=E9mons have been uploaded to the webpage, together with=
>Editor's Comments to VI/8 and an original contribution by Professor
>Santucci on Women in the TS Movement.
>-- The email addresses of several notable scholars in the field have been
>added to the list of Collaborators and Colleagues of the journal, including
>Daniel Caracostea and Wouter Hanegraaff. This a convenient way to exchange
>information and thoughts with others in the area. If you have a scholarly
>interest in the field, send us your email address and interests for=
>--The Table of Contents of Volume VI (1996-1997) of the journal, prepared
>by Daniel Caracostea of Paris, has been added to the webpage--a very
>helpful tool for research.
>--The formal announcement and call for papers for the Edmonton Theosophical
>Society's conference in Edmonton in July 1998 has been added.
>Check out the page now, and don't hesitate to send in your comments, Notes
>& Queries, and contributions to
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