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Re: Yod He Vau He

Jan 27, 1998 09:34 PM
by Nicholas Weeks

>Keith:  The source from which the words emmanate are from the SOURCE of all
>ANCIENT WISDOM including theosophy which is the voice of the silence, one's
>inner teacher, experience, higher consciousness itself.  The whole point of
>the theosophical movement is away from texts.

Sure -- in some future aeon maybe.  That is why HPB wrote over 20 volumes of
books, articles & letters.

> But all teachers, including HPB have said to test it
>with your own consciousness and reject it.

Test what? How can one be certain that the idea that appears in "our"
mind is always & only "ours"? Where does "our" consciousness end and
"theirs" begin? I would like to know where HPB & "all teachers" have
expressed this notion (in a non-literary form of course).  Buddha,
Shankara, Patanjali and all the major lights I'm  aware of have, on the
contrary, never advocated a purely gnostic approach. "Purely" meaning never
using the written or spoken teachings of a guru, or any sage.

Nicholas <> <> Los Angeles
  Be vigilant in your intellectual part; for sleep about this has an
  affinity with real death.  Demophilus

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