Re:Re: Yod He Vau He
Jan 27, 1998 04:04 PM
by Keith Price
>From: "Dallas TenBroeck" <>
>Date: Sunday, January 25, 1998 12:52 PM
>Subject: Re:Re: Yod He Vau He
>Jan 25th 1998
>Interesting comments are made. But, can I be made party to the source from
>which they emanate ?
>What is stated in Theosophy in general is that the kind of information
>given in our Theosophical Texts is that useful for maturing persons, to
>widen and deepen their minds range and attention. I believe that such
>material as we are offered is that which is prepared and offered to those
>who are passing out of the stage of "feed me," to the stage of: "I will
>seek and learn for myself ! All I need are pointers from those with
>previous experience which are reasonable, useful, true and which I can
>The time for open mouthed astonishment, and the vain hope for sudden
>illumination without doing any work for one's self, and especially for
>others, is quite past.
>At least that is what Theosophy seems to be saying to us as I see it. But
>what troubles me most is to read many opinions which are not referenced
>with those sources to which we, the readers, might go for verification of
>propositions or statements that are offered, especially of actual
>statements in our texts upon which those are based.
>I would be grateful, and am grateful for all those who give references to
>cover the basis from which they start. Other wise, it is only opinion, and
>that may satisfy the writer, but may not be able to inspire those who
>desire to verify the logic or basis upon which such statements and opinions
>are made.
> Dallas
> Dallas TenBroeck
> (818) 222-8024
> 23145 Park Contessa,
> Calabasas, Ca., 91302, USA.
>> From: "Mark Kusek" <>
>> Subject: Re: Yod He Vau He
>> Date: Saturday, January 24, 1998 2:01 PM
>> > Keith wrote:
>> >
>> > Standing in the light is a cleaning experience indeed! By the way
>> > have you seen the flaming Hebrew letters of I AM THAT I AM or the Yod
>He Vau
>> > SNIP <<
Keith: The source from which the words emmanate are from the SOURCE of all
ANCIENT WISDOM including theosophy which is the voice of the silence, one's
inner teacher, experience, higher consciousness itself. The whole point of
the theosophical movement is away from texts. Why don't you talk to the
fundamentalists? They will quote you chapter and verse from all the bibles,
Koran, sutras etc etc. But all teachers, including HPB have said to test it
with your own consciousness and reject it. She said this in the PROEM which
I suggest you read, if you haven't. It is quite succient and to the point
that she said nothing original but it came from inspiration and
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