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Elohim and SD II, I-IV

Jan 23, 1998 11:01 AM
by Brenda S Tucker

>I'd love to. I think it's really great that you're taking such a
>passionate interest in the theosophical history of earth and man. You
>can argue the practicality of such a study on the grounds that you
>really can't prove any of it and so, why bother? Especially when there
>are so many other, seemingly more immediate needs. On the other hand, IT
>IS the theosophical teaching and it's just so seminal and complex a body
>of knowledge (not to mention a hell of a story) that it's really
>interesting in and of itself to study. Since I've been on the lists, no
>one's gone too deeply into it or seems willing to talk about it at any
>sustained depth, prefering instead other topics. Maybe I'm misjudging
>and so throw the doors wide open to whoever's listening. It's definitely
>in the scope of my interests. What would you like to say?

Okay.  Volume II
Stanzas I through IV are the reawakening of the earth in the Fourth Round.
In I 2, the earth appeals to the sun to send light and heat to her. She has
watched the sun's great bounty go forth to others (Lord of Wisdom). Now she
wants to receive as servant. The sun agrees and tells her to begin her work
and when ready the sun will provide the fire. He tells her she is still
clothed in seven and therefore not ready. So the earth casts off three of
the old skins and provides herself with NEW seven skins and stands ready.

It is like the earth begins her work in physical evolution alone and in
300,000,000 years is still readying herself for men. She even approaches
some level of mankind, but terrible monsters, not fit to be our future
dwelling. She still has not called to the father to send his sons. She has
done this without aid.

The Dhyanis came and looked and were not happy. They decided to dry the
earth and the forms and used fire or flames signifying a mental evolution.
The fires slew all the earth's watery forms (she was watery in the last
round - the fourth is developed through earth) Earth weeps and disappeared
into her mother, the moon. Now Mother-Earth is bare and she asks for
drying.  (This sounds like a bridge is erected between the earth and the
moon.) A Lord of Lords separated the waters and heaven resulted.

Now the Chohans called to the Lords of the Moons and asked for men. The
Chohans said give them their forms within. She will build coverings
without. "They" in Stanza III 13, could lead us to believe Chohans,
but from what I have studied elsewhere, I think she means men in their
collective Elohim. "They"  went each to seven lots. Lords of the Flame
would not go. (Man in his mental evolution stayed safely wrapped in the
love of the Elohim.)

So Stanza IV begins with these seven Elohim or whoever is meant by "They"
(the seven Hosts) had to separate the Lords of the Flame (Men in their
mental evolution) from their own bodies. So the earth and the sun called to
each other and the three forces: Sun, Earth, and collective men worked
together to make seven races of man in their archetype. Stanza IV 17, the
sun gave the Form, the earth gave the outer moulding, the grossness. Solar
helpers breathed into the form its breath.  The Dhyanis gave the mirror,
the wateryness (Drainer of Waters - the Moon) gave the desire body. No one
yet could give mind, but at least the cycle had turned to produce a fit
dwelling for the mind.

I'm really impressed by the mirror, like there is some construct within
our brains where we can know higher beings and whereby they can at some
future time communicate with us.

This next information is found in the SD index where there are references
to Root Races and is included here just to be interesting:

The first Race "has no living fire" is "devoid of Kama-Rupa"

Second Race in index: "evolved unconsciously by Chhayas," "equivalence
between Fifth & First" and, "land of the"

Third Race in index "men of, were gods who had become "senseless" mortals"
"Fire Dhyanis incarnate in" "as first solid human race", etc.

Fourth Race: "Angelic Host animating" "at bottom of materiality"

In a sense, I suppose, if we can go by this, the first descent of the
flames on earth was to annihilate what the earth had done without help. But
then they would not return until the third race, when the form was ready
for mind. The Dhyanis, perhaps the Elohim, and the sun and earth, plus the
tendencies from the last Rounds  (Drainer of Waters) produced the first two
races of man.

I consider Elohim, after what I have learned at the I AM Temple, to be the
repository and gathering place for the human. They are seven-fold and they
produce the seven races, both spewing them men out (in part) and calling
them to return. They appear to me to be the vehicle through which humankind
can travel to and from the earth. So as long as they are present, even if
human mental action hasn't begun, we are here, because we ARE in totality
these great beings. I love them so much from my I AM practices. They have
names like Hercules, Orion, Arcturis, Elohim of Peace, Elohim of Purity,
Cyclopea and Cassiopea. We decree to them mightily for they are a mighty
force pouring into humanity still.

What would you like to say?


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