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Re:Animals, etc.

Jan 23, 1998 00:57 AM
by Mark Kusek

> Brenda Tucker wrote:
> Look at Vol II SD, Stanza II, p. 52 called "Nature Unaided Fails." I think
> here we do have Nature separated from man, and that by man, they mean a
> divine Kabbalistic man. 300,000,000 million years are mentioned again. Do
> you want to talk about this stanza?

I'd love to. I think it's really great that you're taking such a
passionate interest in the theosophical history of earth and man. You
can argue the practicality of such a study on the grounds that you
really can't prove any of it and so, why bother? Especially when there
are so many other, seemingly more immediate needs. On the other hand, IT
IS the theosophical teaching and it's just so seminal and complex a body
of knowledge (not to mention a hell of a story) that it's really
interesting in and of itself to study. Since I've been on the lists, no
one's gone too deeply into it or seems willing to talk about it at any
sustained depth, prefering instead other topics. Maybe I'm misjudging
and so throw the doors wide open to whoever's listening. It's definitely
in the scope of my interests. What would you like to say?

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