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Jan 19, 1998 12:27 PM
by Judith Christie

My comments in the email that bounced back were...

ha...ha...ha....ha...really laughing out loud!

Do not cook up your meal yet...the food is not even harvested! First you must
gather it from the source.

Being a scholar of SD is good...but underanding and translating the "sensar"
vibrational language in which it is written in is better (and that can only be
translated within the ascended level known as Divine Consciousness) is better.
In that place of Divine Wisdom/Light would then be revealed...channeled or
messengered to you..or, brought through to your physical consciousness by a
variety of means, for example a Theosophical Master, HPB herself...or just
or whatever was simplest and safest for your mind to comprehend. Since, all
all people and all Divine Wisdom ever remains in all those particles and waves
of pure Divine White Light...who is to say how your individual ascension to
Divine Wisdom within the SD is to take place.  But it will take place before
absolute comprehension or enlightenment is known.

Then you might have the Divine Food (ambrosia) and wine of the gods...then you
will really be cooking a meal worth sitting down to but not until then.
Besides stir-fry
has only limited ingredients. Chuckling. Get out of that kitchen unless you
a gourmet chef with instruction and guidance from the highest Divine source!


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