Re:freedom and aid, both pleasureful!!
Jan 17, 1998 07:55 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Dear Jerry:
I feel sure you got my idea. What ever is describable is "maya" from the
point of view of the ABSOLUTE.
Intellectually there is always a connection between any form and its
As to CAUSE I am as much "at sea" as anyone else that I have spoken to or
The only fact I can be sure of is that I am here. I think -- hence I
agree with the idea that CONSCIOUSNESS is the one link between SPIRIT and
MATTER at any level and on any plane.
CONSCIOUSNESS seems to be the link and also is a variable, like a
barometer, it indicates the closer the approach of a being to the
"spiritual" side of the equation.
MATTER is possibly the greatest "distance" from SPIRIT, and yet, in one
place it is said, that for CONSCIOUSNESS (Mind) to exist, there has to be
an agreement made in SPIRIT that one aspect OF ITSELF, will reflect the
other and thus provide the mirror or shadow, contrast, which would (in the
allegory) permit INFINITE LIGHT to manifest itself, as it strikes against
an OBSTACLE.(see SD I p. 201
Metaphysics and logic are fine to play with but in the end the result is an
"action and not a thought, even though it be the greatest" -- now who said
that ?
Did you notice the letter from Master to Judge in 1887 -- the 1st para
contained the reason for His regard for Judge. May we merit to some degree
the same regard !
Best wishes Dallas
Dallas TenBroeck (818) 222-8024
23145 Park Contessa,
Calabasas, Ca., 91302, USA.
> From: "Jerry Schueler" <>
> Subject: Re:freedom and aid, both pleasureful!!
> Date: Friday, January 16, 1998 3:08 PM
> >
> >Generally as I read in Theosophy the term "Unmanifested" relates to the
> >ABSOLUTE or to ABSOLUTENESS, which is a logical necessity, a background
> >from which any "manifestation" (or MAYA) emanates.
> >
> > Dallas TenBroeck
> >
> Dallas, from the point of view of her seven cosmic planes, Unmanifest
> can relate to the upper three, while Absolute probably refers to whatever
> is beyond the first and highest. In other words, there is likely a
> difference.
> Jerry S.
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