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Re:Judge's Communication with Masters

Jan 12, 1998 12:11 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

David Green wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback from
> everyone.  But no one responded
> to these questions-----

I was not aware that you had asked these questions.  Must have been a
post I missed.

> An email correspondent from
> London sent me an 1893 letter of Mr Judge to Olcutt.
> In the letter W Judge claimed many things
> & numerous direct conversations with
> the Master.

> Are there Judge letters (1887-93)
> showing this new development?

There are facsimiles of two letters written to Judge reproduced in the
historical introduction of volume one of Dara Eklund's ECHOES OF THE
ORIENT  (Judge's collected writings).  The originals are in the Archives
of the TS in Pasadena (Former Point Loma TS).  Some Mahatma letters sent
to Besant through Judge are quoted or reproduced in Edmund Garrett's
ISIS VERY MUCH UNVEILED.  Those letters are in the Adyar Archives and
not available for examination.

> Did W Judge's direct contact with
> the Master occur only after Mrs
> Blavatsky departed this life?

Judge claimed to have effected his first precipitation in New York in
1875.  Obviously HPB would have been near by and most probably assisted
in this precipitation.  In HPB's Diaries,  an entry for Dec. 13, 1878
says:  "Judge and Wim[bridge] and H.S.O. and Morya in consultation until
4 a.m." (BCW I: 430)  I think that  Judge's testimony and HPB's diary
entry is enough evidence to raise questions concerning Besant's and
Olcott's accusations to the contrary.  Further, I think you need to
consider that Besant did not join the TS until May of 1889, and only
knew HPB for a very few short months before that.  Therefore, Besant's
accusations about Judge could only have come from her interpretations
of  letters and not from personal knowledge.   I have already shown in
an earlier post, a case where Olcott's  testimony concerning the
"poisoned letter"  is completely contradicted by the letter itself.
This, in my mind, throws question upon the reliability of the rest of
Olcott's testimony against Judge.


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