Re:The Mahatmas/soulless corpse
Nov 25, 1997 02:50 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Nov 25th 1997
Dallas TenBroeck writes:
A number of interesting questions have arisen in our correspondence group,
and perhaps a few quotations from HPB might help in securing her view on
problems that confront us now. they may not solve anything, but they do
give food for thought.
The Master wrote to A.P.Sinnett: [ quoted by HPB in article: "The
Theosophical Society" -- LUCIFER Aug. 1888 -- Vol. 2, p. 421 ]
"Should we devote ourselves to teaching a few Europeans, fed on the fat of
the land...the rationale of bell-ringing, cup-growing, spiritual telephone,
etc., etc., and leave the teeming millions of the ignorant, of the poor and
the despised, the lowly and the oppressed, to take care of themselves, and
of their hereafter, the best they know how? NEVER! Perish rather the
Theosophical Society...than that we should permit it to become no better
than an academy of magic and a hall of Occultism. That we, the devoted
followers of the spirit incarnate of absolute self-sacrifce, of
philanthropy and divine kindness as of all the highest virtues attainable
on this earth of sorrow, the man of men, Gautama Buddha, should ever allow
the Theosophical Society to represent the embodiment of selfishness, to
become the refuge of the few with no thought in them for the many, is a
strange idea...And it is we, the humble disciples of the perfect Lamas, who
are expected to permit the Theosophical Society to drop its noblest title,
that of the Brotherhood of Humanity, to become a simple school of
Psychology. No ! No ! our brothers, you have been labouring under the
mistake too long already. Let us understand each other. He who does not
feel competent to grasp the noble idea sufficiently to work for it, need
not undertake a task too heavy for him...
problem...there must be somewhere a consistent solution, and if our
doctrines will show their competence to offer it, then the world will be
the first one to confess, that ours must be the true philosophy, the true
religion, the true light, which gives truth and nothing but the TRUTH.
And this TRUTH is not Buddhism, but esoteric BUDHISM. "He that hath ears
to hear, let him hear..."
HPB -- Lucifer August 1888.
"Theosophy is an all-embracing Science; many are the ways leading to
it...which began with the sublime in the days of Ammonius Saccas...There
were theosophists and Theosophical Schools for the last 2,000 years, from
Plato down to the medieval Alchemists, who knew the value of the term...
Belief in the Masters, was never made an article of faith in the T.S. But
for its Founders, the commands received from Them when it was established
have ever been sacred. And this is what one of them wrote...:
"Theosophy must not present merely a collection of moral verities, a bundle
of metaphysical Ethics epitomized in theoretical dissertations. Theosophy
must be made practical, and has, therefore, to be disencumbered of useless
discussion...It has to find objective expression in an all-embracing code
of life thoroughly impregnated with its spirit--the spirit of mutual
tolerance, charity, and love...The problem of true theosophy and its great
mission is the working out of clear, unequivocal conceptions of ethic ideas
and duties which would satisfy most and best the altruisitic and right
feelings in us; and the modeling of these conceptions for their adaptation
into such forms of daily life where they may be applied with most
equitableness...Such is the common work in view for all those who are
willing to act on these principles...none is held to weed out a larger plot
of ground than his strength and capacity will permit him..."
HPB "The Organization of the T.S." Theosophist, August 1931, and
Theosophist, June 1924. ]
"The society was founded to become the Brotherhood of Humanity--a centre,
philosophial and religious, common to all--not as a propaganda for Buddhism
merely...the T.S. is open to all, without distinction of "origin, caste,
nation, colour, or sex...or of creed."
HPB -- The Theosophical Society, LUCIFER, Aug. 1888
HPB wrote an article "What is Truth ?" LUCIFER, February 1888, I - p.
It is well worth reading, as it covers most of the points raised as to what
is real TRUTH, and what is partial or variable "truth."
"HPB is loyal to the death to the Theosophical Cause, and those great
Teachers whose philosophy can alone bind the whole Humanity into one
Brotherhood...Therefore the degree of her sympathies with the "Theosophical
Society and Adyar" depends upon the degree of the loyalty of that society
to the CAUSE. Let it break away from the original lines and show
disloyalty in its policy to the CAUSE and the original programme of the
Society and HPB, calling the T.S. disloyal, will shake it off like
dust from her feet....There is no longer a "Parent Society;" it is abolished
and replaced by an aggregate body of Theosophical Societies, all
autonomous, as are the States of America, and all under one Head President,
who, together with H.P.Blavatsky, will champion the CAUSE against the whole
HPB - A PUZZLE FROM ADYAR, Lucifer, August 1889.
> From: "M K Ramadoss" <>
> Subject: Re:The Mahatmas/soulless corpse
> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 1997 11:53 PM
> You are right and your msg is timely.
> As a matter of fact I posted a msg some time back which was an article by
> HPB who clearly said TS was *not* started as a school for chelas. Let me
> locate it and post it again.
> < SNIP >
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