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Re:The Healing Pentagram

Nov 14, 1997 01:50 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Nov 15th 1997

Dear Bruce:

I am familiar since long years with the original articles in Theosophist
concerning the use of the pantacle for curing or alleviating scorpion
sting, etc... Perhaps my sister Sophia in Bangalore India, knows more
about this practically than I do.

As I understand it, the figure serves to concentrate certain pranic and
astral forces, which are then guided by the WILL of the practitioner or
Adept to achieve a result physically and astrally.

5 - Pantacle - has some relation I would suppose to "Kama" (passion and
desire). But as these are generally diffuse and not under most
individual's control the diagram alone does not prevail. It is the guiding
WILL behind the use that does the work. But of the exact modus operandi I
have no data -- other than the fact that it seems to be effective if a cure
is desired by operator and patient. The positioning of the apex is
critical in this kind of work.

The application has to be FOR SOMEONE ELSE who really needs it.

It is generally ineffective ( or short lasting) if self-applied.

Olcott also noticed (THEOSOPHIST) that some of the magnetic (Mesmeric)
cures which he was instrumental in doing lasted for a limited time, and had
to be redone, or reinforced 12 to 18 months later. But the instantaneous
relief was most noticable.

I have seen this work using Homeopathic substances: Arnica (200x) for
trauma, such as a joint that has been put out, or suddenly strained
(luxation) ; Nat Mur (30x) for muscular spasms anywhere in the body.
Digitalis (25x) for heart pains or un-ease in that area. Quanitites are
usually 3/5 of the little pills. Used once.

I would also observe that "ceremonial magic" in some of its processes use
symbols, diagrams and other visuals -- possibly following the rules and
laws of occult laws not entirely revealed to us.

Worth taking note of.

 Hope this helps Dallas

> From: "Bhive888 (Bruce)" <>
> Subject: The Healing Pentagram
> Date: Saturday, November 15, 1997 10:06 AM
> In the Colonel's fifth series of Old Diary Leaves appears the chapter The
> Healing Pentagon (sic). He relates that on a visit to Calcutta his hostess

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