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Nov 06, 1997 04:45 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Nov 6th 1997 Dallas TenBroeck comments: Dear Sigtr, and all: DOCTRINE teaches: \ Cosmology as offered at the outset in Vol. 1 of THE SECRET DOCTRINE by H.P.Blavatsky is a condensation from the oldest records in the world concerning our Kosmic, and Solar-System evolutionay scheme. It is placed as a prelude to the consideration of Vol. 2 :-- ANTHROPOGENESIS or human evolution, as form, as a livingbeing with passions, desires, needs and an active seeking mind. The relation that it has to our practical life is that we, as microcosms follow in our evolution a path analogous to the great Kosmic path. As was and is done in the great Kosms, so the little cosmos (ourselves, as a "life-atom-evolving Monad") are able to do in this environment, which is a compound of 1.) the physical, 2.) electro-magnetic "astral," 3.) life-energic-Pranic, and 4.) emotional-desire-instinctive nature--Kamic." ( 4 planes of life gathered under the general term "personality.) In addition to this there are 3 "superor" planes denoted "Individuality," which might be designated according to function: 1.) mind (thought, observation memory, reasoning, analysis, extrapolation), 2.) wisdom of experience acquired and endured over ages and also that shich is shared with all other beings in the Universe, and 3.) a "ray" of the Universal SPIRIT-- something which encompases all things both finite and infinite, both time-limited and those which envisage duration as timelessness. Like children who go to school we (the self-ego) gradually, in this life, after reincarnation into our present form (personality), have re-acquired the use of the "mind." The power to think to reason, to analyse, to anticipate; and so we stand, in a way, mid-way between our own past (as memory and experience) and our "future" -- as hoped for results, and as fancied goals. We at this present juncture are active thinkers. We are independent of the past and of the future and able to syntetically view both--so we decide where we are going to go, and whether obstacles are to be avoided, surmounted or ignored. We are also sometimes aware of a nagging voice which tries to warn or direct us. It is internal, and we may call it the "voice of Conscience." It is said to be the voice of our past experiences, which is present always which us as "wisdom-acquired." When it senses a dangerous choice is about to be made it cautions us in the mind. In some ways this learning process is the 'becoming' of the esoteric philosophy. We are making orselves. We are free choosers, all of us, although to some extent we are bound by our past choices. Our present choices can make us free of that past encumbrance, if we desire to change our way of living. A quick overview of cosmology from the SECRET DOCTRINE shows us 1. an eternal an immutable BACKGROUND -- THE ABSOLUTE, which has no relations to our limited conditions. It IS ALL, and 2. it emanates from time to time limited evolutionary aspects of ITSELF under the great Law of KARMA, (which is a part of ITSELF.) This is sometimes termed the LOGOS -- which is One and Seven, as It has seven brothers/sons, each with a mission to perform in the developing universe, and each concerned with the formative aspect of a new Kosmic School of experience, which picks up the threads of a previous one. All the beings of whatever degree which went "to sleep" in the past, are gradually re-awakened, in in its own time and place, and gradually the pattern of the past is reassumed and set in motion. This has been compared to a great wheel: Kalachakra (Kala=time, chakra=wheel). 3. The first Manifestation is SPIRIT-in-manifestation; but simultaeously there is a "splitting into billions of "rays" of that ONE SPIRIT, so that each being (life-atom) receives its individual spark. So, simyultaneously with Spirit is : 4. MATTER (or "forms") and "MIND" (OR INTELLIGENT PLANNING ENTITIES who have acquired experience by going through the evolutionary Schools of previous evolutionary periods. They serve not only to bring about the preliminary organization of structures out of "primordial chaos," but, later on, they serve as instructors and guides for child-humanity as it develops. These have been given many names: Dhyanis, Planetary Spirits, Rulers, Creators, Ah-hi, Dhyani Buddhas, Nuilders, Dhyan Chohans, Rishis, Prajapatis, etc... each designation infering a specific as well as a general cooperative function along with all other creative and regulatory forces and beings. The whole is ruled by the grand law of Karma. 5. Evolution then proceeds very much as the embryo proceeds to grow in the womb, receiving accretions of structures, matter, and functions, and eventually developing instinctual consciousness, with which it is "born" into our world. 6. As a baby it grows into childhood assisted by its elders, and from those it finds that its "mind" becomes "lit-up," or independent and active. From a "feeling and needing" being, it becomes a thinking and planning being. But the mixture of needs/desires and thoughts/will are a continuing part of our existence. 7. Becoming adult it proceeds to frame a destiny for itself in study, work, and cooperative efforts with its fellows. It sets goals or limits to its future -- this is the stage we are all in at present, as "humanity." 8. The general goal of this human development is said to run thrugh 7 phases, "Rounds" they are called in THE SECRET DOCTRINE. 9. There are also said to be 7 great stages of evolution, which allow for the development of the 7 great faculties present both in the Universe, the World and in each human. [ These are described in THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY and in THE SECRET DOCTRINE. ] They are called there "Globes," and in humans "principles." The concept offered there shows the human wave of egos moving throught the "7 globes (or steps)" 7 times. Each of those is called a "Round." 10, As mankind progresses in time and expereince through these events many different aspects of his talents and abilities develop and these are put to use. During the progress of learning through the 7 steps inherent in each "globe" the term "Race" was used to indicated a division, not only in time, but also in terms of the faculties developed during that period, which when added to each other, form at the end of each septenate circe a great step forward, as compared to the starting point. It must be understood that the word "race" is not used in the sense that that word is employed today, to indicate a color, a continent, an hereditary chain. { in brief: There are 7 rounds each consisting of 7 steps through the 7 Globes. Each "Globe" has 7 "Races" and each Race has 7 Sub-races. The 7 "Sub-races" are further divided into "Family-races" -- the designation is arbitrary, but serves to give an idea of experience in development. [ Ar to give another analogy: 7 years of 7 months each each month having seven weeks and each week 7 days....] A full, conscious mastery of the faculties and abilities that can be developed in the complete course of such education leads to benevolence and wisdom in life and application. It is emphasized again and again that no true human will ever use knowledge and power to harass or dominate others who are his immortal brothers and eternal co-students. Only the depraved would take advantage of knowlege to make temporary slaves of his family, friends, or neighbours, and of any other being. This type of nobilitiey and practical altruism raises the condition of the personal Ego/Monad to the company of the Adepts, and eventually to initiation -- the equivalent of the "lighting up of Manas" onto the practice and responsibilities of "adeptship," or competency to deal intelligently, harmlessly and with compassion with all aspects of Nature that he may be in contact with. 11. Many names and terms are employed in designating the nature and eminence of these humans who have translated their consciousness into the phase we dimly believe Adeptship to be; and then we can conceive of further, and of other degrees of Wisdom, a Wisdom which widens out to the shores of the Universe, and make Them fit to assist in future manifestations as its active creators and builders. 12. But this involves the concept that the "life-atom-Monad" is as immortal and as eternal as the whole Universe is; and that any such part is as indestructible as the vast Whole. Hence, reincarnation is the process whereby our evolution atthis time, affords us many bodies in which to have experience and progress. The moral aspect of living is to be at no time neglected and is best expressed in terms we know of in all religions as "the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." I hope this, taken as a precis from THE SECRET DOCTRINE, is found to have some relevance to what we have been discussing. Yours, as always, Dallas. > Date Thursday, November 06, 1997 1:14 AM > From sigtr <sigtr@skima.is> > Subject Re:Our place in Cosmic Evolution. > > Dear Sveinn and Dallas, > > I was really glad to read your discussion about cosmology. I feel that > there is much need for discussion and clarification of these concepts.