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Nov 02, 1997 10:03 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Brenda S. Tucker wrote:
> I'd like to continue the discussion of Johnsons books a little more.
> The evidence in the history of the founding of the T.S. is one approach to
> verifying the existence of the masters, however it is not the only one. I
> think that most people tend to verify their existence by studying and
> discussing reincarnation.
> You probably remember that John Ageo has a book called Reincarnation
> Explored. Well, isn't the existence of the Adepts a logical outcome of the
> truth of reincarnation?

 I am reasonably sure that Paul has stated that he believes that Adepts
exist; he just does not believe that Blavatsky was a student of them.

 Bart Lidofsky

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