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Re:Suggestion--what work can we get to do ?

Nov 01, 1997 04:07 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Nov 2nd 1997

Dear Andrew:

 Those are great and good ideas. You've started a ball rolling.

 As for a "To do" list ? A Theosophial Work List. You give my mind an
open door to fly through: -- bear with me:

 I think Theosophy asks us first to get a "Theosophical education." With
that in hand we are better able to speak with some knowledge of its

 Once acquired, and I mean actual technical knowledge of the whys and
wherefores of The Universal Source of all things, which provides us with
the community of Unity and Brotherhood, of 2) Karma as the universal law of
3) Universal Evolution. This leads us logically to consider that all
"pupils" (Monads) are immortal, indestructible and eternal in nature --
as that which Science calls the "atom," and the theosophist: the 'life-atom
endowed with an intelligence and memory of its own" give us evidence that
the lowest form of "matter," and the highest are united in a common
ascending plane of evolutionary cooperation. Coopeations and
inter-dependence can be seen on all sides. We could not exist without the
many types and kinds of cells in our bodies, each performing their separate
functions, but all cooperating in keeping it alive for our "master" Minds
to use and rule. (Also, at times, to mis-rule !)

 Applications would then recommend that we spread this knowedge around,
once we are convinced of its coherence and validity.

 Contributing to publishing a magazine, reprinting useful theosophical
literature already available, making theosophical books of an "elementary"
nature available at libraries, attending and contributing as much as
possible to meetings where theosophical themes are investigated or
discussed. Providing the "Press" with information about theosophical views
and ideas so that these may receive a wider circulation there.

 Doing private charitable work wherever karma leads us and where we see a
need to be fulfilled (trating all men and women as our sisters and

 If you have available to you the Theosophy Company edition of Mr. Judge's
Articles (2 Vols) you will find that in the closing pages of Vol. 2 (pp.
569 to 626) the editors gathered a number of practical articles and
suggestions which he implemented as General Secretary for 10 years of the
American Section T.S. -- after HPB and Col. Olcott left for India -- his
strongest work and impact are to be traced to the period between 1886 and
1896 -- after he returned from a visit to India in 1894. During that
period the membership of the TS in America grew from about 300 to over
5,000 active and participating members with TS Lodges in most major cities.

 He started a "Tract Mailing Scheme." The EPITOME OF THEOSOPHY -- a
wonderful precis of what Theosophy actuallly is, and containing vaulable
hints on "spiritual cultivation," is one of them.

 He encouraged every person interested in self-improvement to get to know
himself, his Inner Self, the HIGHER SELF much more closely and with greater
accuracy. He spoke, as HPB did, of "Making theosophy a living power" in
one's life.

 He spole of devotion to serving others needs when noticed, and of
impartial and one might say almost anonymous work. He stated on many
occasions publicly that the work of Theosophy was the result of Adept
wisdom, that They existed, and all should be grateful to Them and to HPB
for the diffusion and reconcentration of that information which makes
persons entirely free.

 Mystery was transformed by theosophy into knowledge, and many of the
ancient links of the Mysteries and the esotericism of ancient faiths was
restored as information that all could study, use and apply. Theosophy was
written in such a way as to be of world-wide service, and for all peoples.
It is as fresh today as it was 1,000, 2,000, 2,500, or 5,000 years ago --
wisdom and knowledge have no time limits or barriers.

 Every year for 10 years one finds that Mr. Judge as General Secretary the American Section turned in an Annual Report. A review of these
indicates to us today how successful he was. He deserves to be emulated.
He encouraged others to do what work they elected for themselves to
generate and in thus coordinating and making opportunities geneally
diffused the growth of the theosophical Movement in America in those years
was phenomenal.

The effect of Theosophical thought on our age has imperceptibly drawn it from
the fierce barriers of race, colonialism and economic oppression,
narrow creeds and dogmatic, mind-stifling religions, from social structured
environments into the greater freedom of One World, where our hearts are
daily touched by the problems and difficulties of others -- what can we do
to help ? Teach theosophy. Provide explanations which only theosophy
offers to accidents, poverty, desire for wealth, the power to assist, which
one may desire to extend to others, etc, as those answers can satisfy deep
and true soul desires in the best of directions, and in harmony with the
needs of the environment.

 Humanism, ecology, the preservation of environments and the protection of
the weak and the friendless are all humane sentiments that are being
implemented by many who are theosophists in heart strength and sentiment,
while they may not be able to explain as many of us can, the logic behind
these humane urges that all sense and some respond to actually. No true
theosophist ever isolates himself or works for his benefit alone. The
universal fine threads of sympathy bind us all together and thought and
compasson. generosity and tolerance all mark the true theosophist. They
penetrate were otherwise no other influence can touch. Those who actively
generate friendship and ssistance in thought and feeling are doing
theosophy which is not to be detected by overt acts alone.

 Karma and Reincarnation, based on the Community of man is perhaps the best
of the social assets that can be diffused. We need to spread ourselves
into our community and do what lies at hand. To run off to great distances
and strange lands, unless karma requires it, is not the way to help.
Around us is the area where we will have the greatest effect. Why not
start a study center for those ideas. A simple small add in the
"Classifieds," with a 'phone number to call, can bring surprising response.
 Can we devote a couple of hours in our home to a simple meeting ? Are we
then able to nurture such a plant ? Have we the perseverence needed ?
Each can answer this personally. More information of a practical nature is
available for those interested.

 The answering of questions relating to theosophical subjects is one which
needs much attention, as we may find in the "practical" sections of the KEY
TO THEOSOPHY, HPB has already offered root ideas for us to use and grow on.
 It is we who have to provide the "manure and the watering." Theosophical
Study classes and groups are already functioning, some in the oddest and
most remote of places -- which shows that there is a dormant interest that
needs only be touched to awake it. If we are up to the task, we will try
and see what can be done. It does not require great funds or a loud burst
of temporary enthusiasm, but a quiet steady nurturing, much as a growing
plant does, which any determined person who can devote a couple of hours a
week to start and continue with. Results can be surprising.

 Supporting existing journals and magazines of a theosophical character is
a valuable thing to do. In these discussions on "theos-talk" some have
asked for evidence of Adept work in our era, and we should be on the
lookout for such evidence. It exists and shows itself in many disciplines
(of which we may be proficient in) so that we detect and see them before
the average person is aware, and then, can bring the Editor's attention
with a few well-chosen phrase to such an event. The tremendous change in
world tensions, the destruction of nuclear arms, the attempt to open the
most narrow and socially limited peoples to the world at large, the
widening of our own perspectives of space, time and the beginnings of our
Univers, the protenction and outcry against the destruction of the
environment by ruthless business organizations -- all these are symptomatic
of the developing sympathy for Nature which we will increasingly need to
survive. We need wider views as well. The city-folk need toget out into
the country and the hills, where there are few amenities, and where they
can learn survival skills. Some time in the coming future we will all run
out of enrgy to burn -- then what ? do we all become "hunters/gatherers"
again with diminishing traditions of a once great and vanished culture ?

 Look at the discoveries of archaeology today -- of the evidence that in
1,000 years or less a whole civilizations seems to vanish -- are we headed
that way ? We need to consider reality -- not the artificial environment
so pleasant to us as essential to our life today.

 In 150 years, here in America, our rural population has swung from over
85% agrarian to 90 % urban. And very few urbanits (city-dwellers) have
developed the skills necessary to live off the land again ! What does that
tell us ? We are poised on the brink of a very dangerous chasm, and it
takes acute minds to understand the implications of the potential future.
In Kali Yugea there are said to be vast and sudden changes, when will we be
witnessing these ? Or is it our children or our children's children ? In
the meantime, what are we doing to prepare in the way of self education and
the restoring of some balance to life ? I do not mean entirely physially,
but also emotionally and mentally.

 The extent and level of all such Theosophical work which we can do is
almost endless if we set our minds to envisaging how to make this plant we
have the seed of grow among us.

 These are a few of the ideas you have sparked and I hope I have not taken
too much of everyone's time in putting them down.


> Date Friday, October 31, 1997 9:57 PM
> From Andrew Stinson <>
> Subject: Suggestion
> On Fri, 31 Oct 1997, Rodolfo Don wrote:
> > > Thank you, Dallas, very well said!
> > > Sincerely,
> > > Rudy Don
> > I agree! Could I recommend a shifting of gears? How about somebody
> coming up with a list (or everyone contribute) of 50 (or 10 per person)
> ways to incorporate Theosophical ideals/practical wisdom into everyday
> service activities? I'd be glad to start out:

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