Re:Theosophical fundamentalism
Oct 29, 1997 12:11 PM
by Bee Brown
> In some cases the "history," or the "traditions" of the
> theosophical group in which we have developed seems to separate
> those groups, but, a study of the developing history of the
> Theosophical Movement (documents and events) recociles such
> differences. But, that is reviewing the past, and, is only
> valuable to explain some trends we each carry and show.
> The more we know, the broader the base of study and
> consideration, the more stable is Theosophy found to be as a
> philosophy that considers all aspects of nature, of life, and of
> development. In its consideration of human psychology alone it
> outstrips and adjusts many aspects of Modern clinical Psychology,
> -- I offer this as one instance. In another realm it is found to
> delve into the sources of all faiths, sects and religions with a
> view to seeking their common origins and thus reconciling them
> all--adding to the understanding that leads to true tolerance.
> In the original Theosophical literature written by Mme.
> Blavatsky you willfind wide ranging concepts of knowledge
> reviewed. Some statements conflict with Science, as she claims
> that ancient science shows a broader base than that which is yet
> developed as our Science investigates Nature in many departments.
> After all: Science seeks for those facts and laws that are
> already existent in the complexities and relationships existing
> already in Nature as a whole.
Here in NZ we have just had the pleasure of having John Cooper from
Sydney University, give us a 3 day seminar on Eastern
Religions, Western Traditions and how things seem to be up to
date. To get such a overview of the roots of our present
spiritual and philosophical systems has been a shot-in-the-arm
for many of us. John has an amazing grasp of history as well as
his interest in Theosophy. I understand many of you know him so
what I say won't be new. To see how great religions begin and
end or change radically, puts a different perspective on dogmatic
tendencies. It seem most were founded by someone who 'knew' or
had an experience that gave them standing within the group they
belonged to but once the firsthand person was not there, then
there was just the discussion about it, rather than the
experience being felt. Discussion about, can lead to all sorts
of errors that get perpetuated down the years and the whole thing
dies from lack of new 'knowing' to counteract the intellectual
ideas that may lack the intuitive awareness that can act as a
corrective to stop intellectual ideas becoming set in concrete.
Religions systems have been fighting each other ever since they
first began and there doesn't seem a lot of improvement apart from
the fact that we may not actually shoot each other to the
same extent but even then there is the war of words that can be
just a hurtful in different ways. It is a shame that Brotherhood
has not been followed by many. It is not easy to practice but
just trying would change the world. Anyway if anyone wants to
send a msg to John, he will be in Auckland at the TS Headquarters
till end next week and our address is
Keep up these great discussions. I listen carefully even if I
don't get time to say much.
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