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Analysis, opposition, hostility?

Oct 28, 1997 10:42 AM
by Nicholas Weeks


> Surely, therefore, the reactions were due to predispositions to
> get nasty about *this particular subject*, one of *hundreds*
> discussed in the Theosophical literature, more than the flaws of
> the particular theory proposed.

Surely therefore, one can react forcefully against your notions
about the identity & motivations of the Adepts after (or even
during) examining them -- and finding them (the notions, that is)
wanting? There are other possibilities besides 1) hostile,
unthinking attack or 2) reasoned, mild, criticism -- are there
not? Saying some reactions were due only or primarily to a
predisposition to defend an idea (the Holy Masters) dear to one's
psyche, is true -- for some people at some times.  But you are
deluding yourself (perhaps due to our human, common
predisposition to defend our ego) if you think my or many others'
reactions to your writings are predisposed to animus.  Mine were
and are not.

Best, (that means best wishes to you -- not that the above is my
best writing or thinking.)

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