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Re:Quite happily a student of Alice's!

Oct 28, 1997 10:03 AM
by Andrew Stinson


> If the masters continue to work through various messengers it
> would be a good idea to find the current one(s) and learn from
> them.

I believe that they continue to work through us all, but
especially through groups such as the TS, the Arcane School, the
Red Cross, United Way, the United Nations (!), and dozens or
scores of other such groups, both exoteric and in the public eye,
as well as esoteric and less easy to come by.  I know that here
in the North Carolina area alone, there is a beautiful, brilliant
network of Light, Love and Power being used by the Hierarchy ...
and this is to say nothing for the West Coast, esp the Ojai
Valley, CA area!!!

I thank my Stars, so to speak, again and again, for being born
into the world at *this* exact time, under *these* wonderful
conditions.  Even if my goal were just Pratyeka buddhahood, I
sometimes think how (relatively) *easy* that would be compared to
times past.  And yes, Bodhisattva-hood might be a *little*
tougher and more ambitious, but still ...

But maybe we've focused enough on the Messengers for one day
(month!), eh? I think I've done enough damage for awhile.
`Masters and Disciples' is only about the most glamourous subject
imaginable, is it not?

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