Re:U F O-s and Theosophy
Oct 23, 1997 10:37 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Dear Dick:
Many thanks for your suggestions re UFOs and Theosophy. I'll
look at the reprint you send so kindly and will E-mail Pelletier
in Edmonton asking to see his material. I have heard of Rex
Dutta buit do not know him directly.
I also want to tell you that I have enjoyed the last 4 issues of
HCT and although I have not made time to comment on them, as I
ought to, they have some valuable material there. I also re-read
Vol. 23 of THEOSOPY -- which i had not done for some years!!!!
Well are we not wiser now?
Trust you and Marty are both well,
All the best as always, DAl & Val
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