Re:Unity or United Efforts from many
Jul 05, 1997 12:25 PM
by Bjorn Roxendal
> There is only one point of agreement amongst Theoosphists. It is
> that H.P.B. brought the Divine Wisdom to the world as
> representative of the Adept Master Teachers. It was to her that
> this volumnious information was channeled and to no one else.
The idea of only one messenger seems so very contradictory to
basic theosophical ideas.
> You can look far and wide but you will never find another leader
> of any Theosophical Society among the many who could at this
> point in time or in the past stand side by side with H.P.
> Blavatsky and the work she did for you and world at large. Nor,
> did any one single individual after her, possess the ability of
> seership which she possessed.
I would say that it takes the faculties of an HPB, or better, to
be able to know these things.
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