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Re: theos-talk More About the TS (by HPB)

Jun 21, 2012 08:00 AM
by M. Sufilight

Dear friends

My views are:

Ramanujachary wrote:
"The Theosophical Society does indeed desire to promote the spiritual
growth of every individual who comes within its influence, but its methods are
those of the ancient Rishis, its tenets are those of the oldest Esotericism. "

M. Sufilight says:
I can only disagree...unless the Theosophical Society has been transformed into something else...
Or unless some persons seek to do so...

Now, please try do compare the above words by Ramanujachary with the below words by both Annie Besant and H. P. Blavatsky...

Annie Besant wrote:
"Let me say at the very outset that while I shall try to put before you as well as I can that [1] which I believe to be true, no word I utter, no statement I make is binding on, or must be accepted by, any member of the TheosophÂical Society. The Society has no tenets, it has no beliefs that are binding on its members."
(Annie Besant: "Theosophy and the Theosophical Society", 1912 )

H. P. Blavatsky wrote:
"ENQUIRER. Which system do you prefer or follow, in that case, besides Buddhistic ethics?

THEOSOPHIST. None, and all. We hold to no religion, as to no philosophy in particular: we cull the good we find in each. But here, again, it must be stated that, like all other ancient systems, Theosophy is divided into Exoteric and Esoteric Sections.

ENQUIRER. What is the difference?

THEOSOPHIST. The members of the Theosophical Society at large are free to profess whatever religion or philosophy they like, or none if they so prefer, provided they are in sympathy with, and ready to carry out one or more of the three objects of the Association. The Society is a philanthropic and scientific body for the propagation of the idea of brotherhood on practical instead of theoretical lines. The Fellows may be Christians or Mussulmen, Jews or Parsees, Buddhists or Brahmins, Spiritualists or Materialists, it does not matter; but every member must be either a philanthropist, or a scholar, a searcher into Aryan and other old literature, or a psychic student. In short, he has to help, if he can, in the carrying out of at least one of the objects of the programme. "

"ENQUIRER. I thought you said you had no tenets or doctrines of your own? 
THEOSOPHIST. No more we have. The Society has no wisdom of its own to support or teach. It is simply the storehouse of all the truths uttered by the great seers, initiates, and prophets of historic and even pre-historic ages; at least, as many as it can get. Therefore, it is merely the channel through which more or less of truth, found in the accumulated utterances of humanity's great teachers, is poured out into the world. "
"THEOSOPHIST. What is meant by the Society having no tenets or doctrines of its
own is, that no special doctrines or beliefs are obligatory on its members; but,
of course, this applies only to the body as a whole."
(The Key to Theosophy, p. 19 and 57 and p. 60 )

I am just wondering....

M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ramanujachary nallanchakravarti 
  To: Theos-talk 
  Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 7:54 AM
  Subject: theos-talk More About the TS (by HPB)


  about the Theosophical Society

  Society was founded to teach no new and easy paths to the acquisition of
  âpowersâ; and that its only mission is to rekindle the torch of truth, so long
  extinguished for all but the very few, and to keep that truth alive by the
  formation of a fraternal union of mankind, the only soil in which the good seed
  can grow. The Theosophical Society does indeed desire to promote the spiritual
  growth of every individual who comes within its influence, but its methods are
  those of the ancient Rishis, its tenets are those of the oldest Esotericism. 

  this connection we would warn all our members, and others who are seeking
  spiritual knowledge, to beware of persons offering to teach them easy methods

  are indeed comparatively easy of acquirement by artificial means, but fade out
  as soon as the nerve-stimulus exhausts itself. The real seership and adeptship
  which is accompanied by true psychic development (lokotthara), once
  reached, is never lost.

  must be remembered that the Society was not founded as a nursery for a supply
  of Occultistsâas a factory for the manufactory of Adepts. It was intended to
  stem the current of materialism, and also that of spiritualistic phenomena that
  has now begun, and not to pander to psychic cravings which are but another form
  of materialism. 

  [Theosophical] aims are several; but the most important of all are those which
  are likely to lead to the relief of human suffering under any or every form,
  moral as well as physical. And we believe the former to be far more important
  than the latter. Theosophy has to inculcate ethics; it has to purify the
  soul, if it would relieve the physical body, whose ailments, save cases of
  accidents, are all hereditary. It is not by studying Occultism for selfish
  ends, for the gratification of oneâs personal ambition, pride, or vanity, that
  one can reach the goal; that of helping mankind. Nor is it by studying one
  single branch of the esoteric philosophy that a man become an Occultist, but by
  studying, if not mastering, them all. The function of Theosophy is to open
  menâs hearts and understandings to charity, justice, and generosity, attributes
  which belong specifically to the human kingdom and are natural to man when he
  has developed the qualities of a human being. Theosophy teaches the animal-man
  to be human; and when people have learned to think and feel as human beings
  should feel and think, they will act humanely, and works of charity, justice,
  and generosity will be done spontaneously by all.

  --- Madame Blavatsky

  Literature is for Portrayal of Philosophic Ideas.

  Dr N C Ramanujachary(Srivirinchi)

  Besant Gardens, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai 600 020 

  Phone: 044/24913584, Mobile: 9444963584

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