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Re: theos-talk An Approach to Understand Theosophy -7

Jun 17, 2012 09:29 AM
by M. Sufilight

Dear friends 
My views are:

I will repeat: Yes many interesting words in this series. Thank you for writing it...

Here are a few views, which I hesitated about...And which might be helpful to consider before making the texts public in a PDF-file...

Ramanujachary wrote:
"It is this action
and interaction, this true brotherhood and sisterhood, in which each shall live
for all and all for each, which is one of the fundamental Theosophical
principles that every Theosophist should be bound, not only to teach, but to
carry out in his or her individual life."

M. Sufilight asks:
I am not sure about that these "the fundamental Theosophical
principles that every Theosophist should be bound, not only to teach, but to
carry out in his or her individual life" - are a non-sectarian stance - or - a pure sectarian one?
Any comments?

Ramanujachary wrote:
"Madame Blavatsky affirms that 'the work for humanity'
which is the original program of the Society shall be carried out through out
the ages to come, and few individuals shall always be available to get trained
in this direction. In her own words, 'the main, fundamental object of the
society is to sow germs in the hearts of men and women which may, in time
sprout, and under more propitious circumstances lead to a healthy reform,
conducive of mere happiness to the masses than they have hitherto enjoyed.' "

M. Sufilight says:
But, that does hopefully not imply, that the non-sectarian Theosophical Society (as given in the years 1875-1891) should go and become --- a social order of service - and thereby SECTARIAN in its social behavior - and even politically inclined? Or does it?

An example or two to consider : 
What some find to be socially helpful - others might find to be a futile waste of time or a lower kind of activity, or even politically inclined. Some would say: Seek first reform in the heart before social service. And there is a time, place, people and circumstances. Or for instance: One cannot be an Astronomer before one has become a non-sectarian Psychologist, and not a sectarian Psychologist.

I do hope the readers and Ramanujachary do not mind me asking these questions.
I write this seeking to be of service to us all.


Mulla Nasrudin is sort of an erveryman, and a jokster, anti-hero, hero, councellor and jester all-in-one, - and plays numerous roles - in various old tales from the Sufis of the Middle East. Here are a few short stories

Mulla Nasrudin had been to the state legislature. After he had spent thirty days with his fellow legislators at the state capital, he came home for a weekend. In telling his wife about it, he said: "I HAVE DISCOVERED ONE THING -- IT'S THE FIRST INSANE ASYLUM I HAVE EVER SEEN THAT'S RUN BY THE INMATES."

The drunk Mulla Nasrudin approached the policeman on the corner and said, "Pardon me, Officer, but where am I?" "You are on the corner of Main and Forth," the policeman said. "NEVER MIND THE DETAILS," said Nasrudin. "WHAT TOWN AM I IN?" 

New neighbours had moved in and had been under observation for several days. "They seem like a most devoted couple," said Mulla Nasrudin's wife to her husband. "Every time he leaves for work she comes out on the porch and he hugs and kisses her. Why don't you do that?" "ME?" said Nasrudin. "I SHOULD SAY NOT. I HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN INTRODUCED TO HER YET." 


It is of course the intention that is important - with regard to altruism.
And the level of knowledge or wisdom - varies and we can all only do our best.

M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ramanujachary nallanchakravarti 
  To: Theos-talk 
  Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 8:43 AM
  Subject: theos-talk An Approach to Understand Theosophy -7


  An Approach to Understand theosophy -7


  ommenting on the four principles that constitute 'the
  Links of Golden Chain' which should bind humanity into one family, one
  Universal Brotherhood viz. universal unity and causation, Human solidarity, the
  Law of Karma and Reincarnation, Madame Blavatsky has the following to say:

  the present state of society, especially in so-called countries, we are
  continually brought face to face with the fact that large numbers of people are
  suffering from misery, poverty and disease. Their physical condition is
  wretched, and their mental and spiritual faculties are almost dormant. On the
  other hand, many persons at the opposite end of the social scale are leading
  lives of careless indifference, material luxury, and selfish indulgence. Neither of these forms of existence is mere
  chance. Both are the effects of the
  conditions which surround those who are subject to them, and the neglect of
  social duty on the one side is most closely connected with the stunted and
  arrested development on the other. In sociology, as in all branches of true
  science, the law of universal causation holds good. But this causation
  necessarily implies, as its logical outcome, that human solidarity on which
  Theosophy so strongly insists. If the action of one reacts on the lives of all,
  and this is the true scientific idea, then it is only by all men becoming
  brothers and all women sisters, and by all practicing in their daily lives true
  brotherhood and true sisterhood, that the real human solidarity, which lies at
  the root of the elevation of the race, can ever be attained. It is this action
  and interaction, this true brotherhood and sisterhood, in which each shall live
  for all and all for each, which is one of the fundamental Theosophical
  principles that every Theosophist should be bound, not only to teach, but to
  carry out in his or her individual life.

  What Madame Blavatsky said a hundred and more years
  back is still the prevailing human situation. Yet there is a definite
  appreciation of the fact that Social justice has to be reestablished, that the
  eternal verities of Life, the laws of Nature are not to be sidelined or
  neglected. That these should guide and mould the human conduct and behavior is
  widely accepted. Yet, this realization is to go deep into the human
  consciousness. Statements as illustrated hereunder mark the attitude of a
  theosophical life:

  giving to others more than to oneself
  -- self-sacrifice is the highest standard.

  Personal exertion
  for others, personal mercy and
  kindness, personal interest in he
  welfare of those who suffer, personal sympathy,
  forethought and assistance in their troubles and needs -- are the theosophical
  ideas of charity.

  Madame Blavatsky affirms that 'the work for humanity'
  which is the original program of the Society shall be carried out through out
  the ages to come, and few individuals shall always be available to get trained
  in this direction. In her own words, 'the main, fundamental object of the
  society is to sow germs in the hearts of men and women which may, in time
  sprout, and under more propitious circumstances lead to a healthy reform,
  conducive of mere happiness to the masses than they have hitherto enjoyed.' 

  "Earth will be a heaven in the twenty-first
  century in comparison with what it is now," was the aspiration
  expressed by her in the last decade of the nineteenth century. It is for each
  one of us to see and make this a 'fact'
  rather than 'a mere ideal or a set goal.' Needless to say, the right understanding,
  both verbal and practical, of Theosophy
  alone will make this happen. Here lies our responsibility as members of this
  noble organization. Let us rededicate ourselves to live up to that aspiration
  without waiting for an external stimulation. It is only the Inner Urge, the Antar-Spurti that works this
  wonder. ## (End of the Series)
  Dr N C Ramanujachary

  Literature is for Portrayal of Philosophic Ideas.

  Dr N C Ramanujachary(Srivirinchi)

  Besant Gardens, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai 600 020 

  Phone: 044/24913584, Mobile: 9444963584

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