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Re: theos-talk Leadbeater Versus Besant on the 12 Apostles?

May 15, 2012 08:24 PM
by Cass Silva

They really lost the plot didn't they. ÂSounds like cultist talk.

> From: Daniel <>
>Sent: Wednesday, 16 May 2012 3:35 AM
>Subject: theos-talk Leadbeater Versus Besant on the 12 Apostles?
>Annie Besant declared:
>"And now I have to give you, by command of the King, His message,
>and some of the messages of the Lord Maitreya and His great
>Brothers. . . what I am saying, as to matter of announcement, is
>definitely at the command of the King whom I serve.
>His taking possession of His chosen vehicle . . . will be soon.
>Then He will choose, AS BEFORE, His twelve apostles . . . and their
>chief, the Lord Himself. He has already chosen them, but I have only
>the command to mention seven who have reached the stage of Arhatship...
>The first two, my brother Charles Leadbeater and myself, . . . C.
>Jinarajadasa, . . . George Arundale, Oscar Kollerstrom, . . . Rukmini
>I left out one and must leave out another. Naturally, our
>Krishnaji [Jiddu Krishnamurti] was one, but he is to be the vehicle
>of the Lord. And the other is one who is very dear to all of us, as
>to the whole Brotherhood: Bishop James Wedgwood. He had borne his
>crucifixion before the seal of Arhatship was set upon him by his King.
>Those are the first seven of the twelve whom He has chosen, with
>Himself as the thirteenth. 'Ye call me Master and Lord, and ye do
>well, for so I am.'
>Note well Mrs. Besant's declaration:
>"Then He will choose, AS BEFORE, His twelve apostles...."
>AS BEFORE: When was that? Almost 2000 years ago as told in the four
>gospels to be found in the Christian New Testament.
>Now compare the above statement by Mrs. Besant with what C.W.
>Leadbeater says about the Apostles:
>Certainly the Christian Bible ought not to be taken literally, for
>many of its statements are symbolical, and others are simply not
>true. When we examine clairvoyantly the life of the Founder of
>Christianity, for example, we can find no trace of the alleged twelve
>apostles, it would seem that as men they NEVER existed, but that they
>were introduced into the story for some reason â possibly to typify
>the twelve signs of the zodiac.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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