Re: theos-talk "... the Christ is the direct Master of mahatma KH...."
May 08, 2012 06:07 PM
by Augoeides-222
ÂÂ Mayhaps the description is closer to "Vic de Lassa" alias "Joseph Balsomo" alias "C agliostro"?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Condick" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 5:03:50 PM
Subject: RE: theos-talk "... the Christ is the direct Master of mahatma KH...."
The Chohan Serapis (or Maha Sahib): Adept of Egyptian Section.
Serapis is of Egyptian origin and not therfore European. He is the Master on the Fourth ray.
KH and his Master the Christ, are both on the Second ray line.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 22:22:58 +0000
> Subject: theos-talk "... the Christ is the direct Master of mahatma KH...."
> Who is the direct Master of KH? Who is Koot Hoomi's Master?
> Madame Blavatsky wrote a very interesting and suggestive remark in Lucifer:
> "It had also escaped him [A.P. Sinnett] for the moment, no doubt, that among the group of Initiates to which his [Sinnett's] own mystical correspondent [Koot Hoomi] is allied, are two [Initiates] of European race, and that one [Initiate] who is that Teacher's [Koot Hoomi's] Superior is also of that origin [European], being half a Slavonian in his 'present incarnation,' as he himself wrote to Colonel Olcott in New York. " Lucifer, October, 1888, p. 173; reprinted in H.P.B.'s Collected Writings, Volume X, p. 153.
> This is a quite fascinating statement by HPB that Koot Hoomi's Superior was of European origin and was "half a Slavonian in his 'present incarnation.' " HPB also tells us that this latter information was conveyed to Colonel Olcott in New York in a letter written by the Adept Superior.
> A.P. Sinnett had a remarkable encounter with the Master K.H. Sinnett wrote in a brief note of the experience:
> "I saw K.H. in astral form on the night of 19th of October, 1880, --- waking up for a moment but immediately afterwards being rendered unconscious again (in the body) and conscious out of the body in the adjacent dressing-room where I saw another of the Brothers afterwards identified with one called 'Serapis' by Olcott, --- 'the youngest of the chohans.' " The Mahatma Letters, Letter No. 3a in the first three editions.
> Some four years later, while William Judge was in London and on a visit to Mr. Sinnett's home, the following interesting conversation ensued. Mr. Judge wrote:
> "I asked him [A.P. Sinnett] about his sight of K.H. and he related thus: 'He was lying in his bed in India one night [see above], when suddenly awakening, he found K.H. standing by his bed. He rose half up, when K.H. put his hand on his head, causing him to fall at once back on the pillow. He then, he says, found himself out of the body, and in the next room, talking to another adept whom he describes as an English or European, with light hair, fair, and of great beauty. This is the one [adept] Olcott described to me in 1876 and called by name -------. Please erase that when read. . . . S[innett] says he [the European adept] is very high. . . ." Letters That Have Helped Me, Theosophy Company edition, p. 196.
> Notice that this adept called Serapis is described as "English or European, with light hair, fair, and of great beauty."
> In 1883, Colonel Olcott was healing people with his mesmeric "power". He relates the following experience:
> "On the day in question, while under treatment for his eyes, upon which business my thoughts were closely concentrated, [Badrinath Babu, the patient] . . . suddenly began describing a shining man whom he saw looking benevolently on him. His clairvoyant sight, had, it seemed, become partially developed, and what he saw was through closed eyelids. From the minute description he then proceeded to give me, I could not fail to recognise the portrait of one of the most revered of our Masters. . . .[Badrinath] described to me an individual with blue eyes, light flowing hair, light beard, and European features and complexion. . . . The description...fitted accurately a real personage, the Teacher of our Teachers [KH and M.], a Paramaguru, as one such is called in India, and who had given me a small colored sketch of himself in New York, before we left for Bombay. . . ." Old Diary Leaves, Volume III, 430-1.
> It is on record that the Master Serapis gave Colonel Olcott "a small colored sketch of himself in New York." See Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, Series II.
> Concerning Colonel Olcott's mesmeric healing, Master Koot Hoomi wrote to A.P. Sinnett:
> "This [healing] is all done thro' the power of a lock of hair sent by our beloved younger Chohan to H. S. O."
> This is KH's comment on a newspaper article titled "Cures Effected by Colonel Olcott in Calcutta by Mesmeric Passes" that was published in the Calcutta Indian Mirror. See The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, Appendix III.
> Confirmation that the Superior or Master of both Masters Koot Hoomi and Morya was Serapis is again found in this statement by Henry Olcott:
> "One of the greatest of them, the Master of the two Masters [KH and M] about whom the public has heard. . . . , wrote me on June 22, 1875:
> 'The time is come to let you know who I am. I am not a disembodied spirit, Brother, I am a living man; gifted with such powers by our Lodge as are in store for yourself some day. I cannot be with you otherwise than in spirit, for thousands of miles separate us at present. . . . .' " Old Diary Leaves, Volume I, p. 237.
> From the above material, it would appear that Serapis, one of the Chiefs or Chohans of the Occult Brotherhood, was the Superior or Teacher of both Master K.H. and Master M.
> Daniel H. Caldwell
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> H.P. Blavatsky. The Theosophist, July, 1881, p. 2
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