Re: theos-talk to govert: reading two books meade and caldwell
Jan 22, 2012 04:03 PM
by M. Sufilight
A few views...
Not that I disagree in any sense with you on this Cass, but ---
I think: Since there are no documentation available today on these words - further exchanges on this will not lead to much.
And since SPR has annulled their accussation. I find the old Lady to be on the safe side in the later historical annals on this issue.
Christian inclined persons will for instance of course ever oppose anything - seeking philosophical thinking and non-dogmatic altruism.
Yet, deep down all humans seek altruism and compassion and peace. And this we can only be happy about.
Bad persons are only a temporary appearence on the world scene. All persons have something good in them - indside their inner being and heart. We call it Atma. Atma-Vidya is the science to promote - or in a certain sense altruism based on exoteric and esoteric psychological knowledge. And psychology - is wanted these days - and the dogmatic Churches will clearly fall because of this in the decades to come. This seem quite obvious and logical, when one consider it.
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: theos-talk to govert: reading two books meade and caldwell
Personally I struggle with her first sentence, viz We had already been initiated and had joined the [Theosophical] Society.
"See, she has been afraid of an apparition, (quoting HPB) - Why not is afraid?
[Later] in one of [her good] moods [Madame Blavatsky] called me up and told me: (Cass)This is an emotionally charged subjective opinion and I was taught that if this occurs it generally reflects an insecure defensive personality, which should not be trusted"See if you can make a head of human size and place it on that divan," pointing to a sofa in her room, " and merely put a sheet round it; it would have a magic effect by moonlight." What can this mean? I wondered. But knowing how disagreeable she could make herself if she was stroked on the wrong side, I complied with her wish. She cut a paper pattern of the face I was to make, which I still have; on this I cut the precious lineaments of the beloved Master, but, to my shame, I must say that, after all my trouble of cutting, sewing, and stuffing, Madame said that it looked like an old Jew---I suppose she meant Shylock. Madame, with a graceful touch here and there of her painting brush,
gave it a little better appearance. But this was only a head, without bust, and could not very well be used, so I made a jacket, which I doubled, and between the two cloths I placed stuffing, to form the shoulders and chest; the arms were only to the elbow, because, when the thing was tried on, we found the long arm would be in the way of him who had to carry it. This beauty finished, made Madame quite another person.
Cass: Can you see HPB acting this way? There is no other recorded event where she portrays this level of immaturity.
Personally, I would not give her statements any credence as I believe there was a hidden agenda operating and why would Ms Coloumb, a housekeeper, be made an integral part of HPB's life??
> From: Daniel <>
>Sent: Saturday, 21 January 2012 3:18 PM
>Subject: theos-talk to govert: reading two books meade and caldwell
>when i was working on my book Esoteric world of madame blavatsky, i especially on purpose included much relevant material which meade had completely ignored in her book or had downplayed and hardly mentioned. so if anything one should read the meade book comparing and contrasting it with my book.
>and in my book i on purpose included coulombs and hodgsons accounts on the mahatmas so that the perceptive reader could compare and contrast what they said withthe accounts of witnesses who testified they had seen and encountered the mahatmas.
>on my website i even include the testimony of coulomb and hodgson. see
>compare and contrast their accounts with for example olcott's accounts:
>what would a historian or a member of a jury conclude by reading, studying and anlyzing these accounts?
>food for thought.
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