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2 - An Article on: The Science of Subtle Mind Control - or - Coercive Persuasion

Nov 13, 2011 06:15 AM
by M. Sufilight

Dear friends

My views are:

### Part 2 of 3. ### (2nd ed.)

Here is a lengthy article I have written about the Science of Subtle Mind Control also called Coercive Persuasion...It is about 22 pages in length.
I found it important to write that much so to at least seek to explain this science sufficiently so it might be at least grasped to a certain degree by the readers and other later readers.

I do hope my English is comparatively easy to read and understand.


(Shortly forwarded)

I am here only giving primary emphasis on the use of Subtle Mind Control in religious organisations and New Age organisations and groups, no matter whether they call themselves theosophical, esoterical, or are able to walk on water or not. And this is important. 

We have in the above learned that ordinary science confirm that the science of Psychology (alhough often existing in the shadows of philosophical thought religious or non-religious) was well-known in the old days.

A short definition of the science on Subtle Mind Control.
The science on Subtle Mind Control is shortly formulated the science on the aspect of the use of Subtle Mind Control in religious organisations, and other organisations by a leader or a group of leaders, and its damaging results and how to avoid them. The science on Subtle Mind Control is about when Subtle Mind Control is used by a leader or a group of leaders in organisations, especially here a religious organisations on behalf of members in such an organisation. And with regard to religious organisations when such a leader or leaders use it while they in more or less subtle manner install fear, phobia or phobias, psychological blockages or condition various members of their organisation through the promotion of a religious doctrine. The science on Subtle Mind Control is also called Coercive Persuasion, Thought Reform, and other names or terms. The last two terms can also be used when one like to expand the definition to cover the science about Brain-Washing and the use of violence, not only with regard to religious organisations but all kinds of interactions between human beings and life. This is the central formulation and definition of the science on Subtle Mind Control, although there are other aspects to it. Here my focus is on the religious organisations and New Age organisations and groups.

More detailed info follows later in the below.

*** 3.1 - The science on Subtle Mind Control and its historical background ***
When did the science on Subtle Mind Control then arrive, when it is said to be a branch of the science of psychology?

# The historical background mainly in the Western countries in modern times. # 
It can be said to slowly have arrived more or less to public awareness from the 1950'ties and onward in the Western countries and thereby the Christian-related countries a on the "wings" of the science known as Brain-Washing. It is a derived branch of the science of Brain-washing within psychology and is related to non-physical confrontation while using Coercive Persuasion, and could be called Soft Brain-Washing or religiously Soft Brain-Washing, although it also cover non-religious interactions and activities.
And it was first really recognized in the 1970'ties and 1980'ties for what it really was and is with regard to the religious aspects. - The scientist and psychologist Pavlov's experiments with dogs in the 1920'ties led to the psychological doctrine called Classical Conditioning (See for instance also Wikipedia and elsewhere on this). And for instance the Tavistock Clinique which was formed around the 1920'ties also dealt with the issues related to Subtle Mind Control and Classical Conditioning. (It later became political-infested.) - And since hypnosis and the use of it also is a part of the science on Subtle Mind Control, we clearly see that Subtle Mind Control in various aspects must have been known - at least partially - many decades before that. And also with Anton Mesmer, and his mesmerism, which in fact was a kind of healing, - what some of us we call positive or helpful hypnosis. (And some of us are drawing a sharp line between hypnosis and helpful healing. The first is morally bad by our definitions, and the latter is good. And there are shades in between.) But Subtle Mind Control or similar scientific terms related to its use in religions can first be said to have become well-known in the 1970'ties or 1980'ties in the Western countries (or Christianized countries), especially because of various so-called "de-programming" cases, where a number of families sought to have their children taken away from some of the many more or less problematic cults that sprang up in those decades. The science on Subtle Mind Control is of course one thing, how one relate to it is quite another thing. But, the science on Subtle Mind Control surfaced perhaps also already at least to a certain extend in the 1960'ties with the New Age related Flower Power activities and the political-oriented movie called "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962). And also other movies like Help! The Movie (1965), Rosemary's Baby (1968), "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" (1971) or "Ticket to Heaven" (1981)...and later "Holy Smoke!" (1999). And other movies related to Subtle Mind Control could be mentioned. Books could also be mentioned. The content of the movies was perhaps one of the reasons why the earliest of these movies on this subject became popular. Namely that they showed people - perhaps for the first time - what there perhaps actually was going on in some of the religious or political groups, although perhaps only in a small scale and less extreme. And even so only superficially, because people in general did, as I see it, not really become fully aware of the reality about the Psychological science behind it and the real daily life realities behind these things - although some of the movies not seldom are showing extreme examples. 

And today the science on Subtle Mind Control can be said to be a fact, that almost only is really well-known by so-called Exit-counsellors (those who help victims of cults and sects) and educated psychologists of various kinds, - religious and non-religious. People in general only seem to be aware of this science called Subtle Mind Control in quite a superficial manner. And this despite it is a science, and which with regard to religious groups and organisations has a lot to do with how altruism (if possible) can be promoted and is being promoted. And altruism is something which in general is claimed to be very high on the agenda in religious groups and organisations. (See also Wikipedia Exit-Counsellors - The idea of using "de-programming" of victims of cults or sects - by the use of force and forced deprogramming - has almost been totally abandoned by all Psychologists dealing with this issue. There are only few if any using the title "Deprogrammer" today. The new term called Exit-Counsellor is used, and, instead pedagogical and mutual conversation is being used between the possible "victim" and their family members or friends - and - only with the Exit-Counsellor being present as a facilitator to the degree agreed upon, and sometimes with the Exit-Counsellor showing documentation about the cult or sect or giving access to meetings with ex-cult members from the particular cult an so on. One of the main thoughts among some of the more sectarian religious organisations and their members and leaders with regard to the Exit-Counsellors or the anti-cult Psychologists are that they often are dangerous in various respects - and - this is sometimes or often due to efficient religious blockages called Phobia or Phobias given in cults or sects. Phobias are one of the most efficient tools used in religious organisations to give a prejudiced view and especially a fear-based view about what Exit-Counsellors or the anti-cult Psychologists really are. These are of course just my views.

# The historical background mainly in the Eastern countries. # 
I will here shortly say that there, as I see it, there are not much written info today about the term Subtle Mind Control, or similar terms Thought Reform, or Coercive Persuasion among ordinary psychologists in Eastern countries. Or else I just cannot find it. But they are aware of the science in India and China. In China at least to a certain extend because they have used it in politics it in the form of Brain-Washing with violence, - a concept related to Subtle Mind Control. In India because India today very heavily mix modern Western Psychology with their ancient religious and philosophical teachings on the same.

In India and the Eastern Religions, and science as such they have had some developments in with regard to the science of Subtle Mind Control in the recent decades, but not much it seems from the books I have come across on the subject. But I might be mistaken. People in general does not seem to emphasise this issue. Clinical Psychology and Developmental Psychology as such has been given much more emphasis within more or less ordinary Psychology in India in the last century. India is for instance a huge country and its population, our fellow human beings, are very much entangled in age old religious cultures of many kinds. It is said that in India alone there are more than 300 million gods worshipped or followed by various sects or religions. A high number, but indeed there are many. It is known that the science of psychology - either religiously related or not - as such is offered at many places in India these days. Many psychologists in India are saying that the ancient Vedas, the Upanishads and Yoga texts, and the Buddhist teachings of Abhidharma contain teachings on Psychology. And this can be shown to be a fact. The modern more scientific and objective-oriented Psychologists in India are mixing more or less the results from the western Psychologists with their own cultural, philosophical and religious backgrounds. 

Girindra Shekar Bose was among the first in India to officially establish so-called ordinary scientific Psychology in the country in 1922. And in 1924 the Mysore University followed suit. There are today more than forty university departments in India with regard to the science of Psychology. And there have been some cases now and then about cults, where the police in India had to take action. But there are of course other countries in Asia. But I do not know much about it at the moment with regard to the science of Subtle Mind Control. As far as I see it there are not much info given in India among Psychologists with a clear understanding of the science called Subtle Mind Control as we learn about it today among Western psychologists and Exit-Counsellors, and similarly in other parts of the planet. A number of Buddhistic leaders or similar often refer to Buddhism as a philosophy and not as a religion. And this aught to be considered, when we know that Buddhist scriptures teaches about de-conditioning and also some about the science on Subtle Mind Control. Yet, Orthodox Buddhism contain ceremonies and rules to follow written in so-called canonical scriptures. So perhaps even Buddhism in various respects aught to be called a sect - or perhaps rather a mix depending on how Buddhism is approached and what branch within it is approached. I will let the readers themselves, judge about this. The same can be seen when we look at Hinduism. 

Yet both Buddhism and Hinduism have in larger parts of them the aim of de-conditioning the mind, and, therefore people in general perhaps with good reason do not emphasize the science of Psychology as a non-religious science as much as it for instance are being done in the Western countries. And the same with the science on Subtle Mind Control. Those groups within Buddhism and Hinduism seem therefore some of them to emphasize these sciences - more loosely - within their own religious or philosophical contexts instead - and - not necessarily in a clear down-to-earth scientific manner. The last part can perhaps be said to be a problem to a certain degree with regard to the science on Subtle Mind Control. Psychologists in India are aware of this with regard to the science on Psychology, and progress are being made in India in having the science on Psychology much more supported - as the science it is, although it might be mixed more or less with various philosophical-religious ideas. It can however today be said without hesitation, that the Psychological teachings found in India among the ancient Buddhistic and Hinduistic texts, are far more advanced in many respect, that the Psychology forwarded by people like Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung and other early promoters of this science on Western soil. This seems very often to be overlooked or not recognized by modern Western news medias and other notabilities even in our times. Yet, a growing development seem also to take place within ordinary Western Psychology with regard to an increasing emphasis on the cognitive science of Psychology named Mindfulness within Buddhism, and also named Mindfulness in Western countries these days. This branch of Psychology is also know in various parts of Hinduism. And this seems important to know about. Especially because it might be able to bridge the gap between the knowledge of the science of Subtle Mind Control across cultures. (An example is this video with the Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, 4 Nobel Prize Laureates, and a few other of the most recognized scientists of today. Some of the readers know about the video, but I do not hesitate to mention it again, because I find it central to the present currents of the possible promotion of altruism on the planet. - It is to me interesting because it seem to emphasize the importance of the Psychology of Mindfulness. Besides that it is filled with interesting entertaining jokes from these well-known "intelligentsias". Smile. --- Peace Summit 2009 - Educating the Heart and Mind --- - The political aspects I am as some of you know, not really giving any value. There are more videos on Youtube from the same Summit, which covered three days in a row.)

But I have not not much info about the actual science of Subtle Mind Control in the Eastern countries as such although it to a certain extend can be found in various of the ancient Eastern scriptures of Buddhism and Hinduism, (In the Hindu the Yoga-Sutras, Vedas and Upanishads, and also in the Buddhistic Abhidharma scriptures and some say also in the Kalachakra Tantra.). Maybe others have more info to give. If so I will gladly welcome it.

# The historical background mainly in the Islamic countries. #
In the Islamic countries on the same, I am a bit blank with regard to Subtle Mind Control. But there are no doubt some development taking place because we find that Islamic scholars inside and outside of Islamic countries during the last hundred years have undertaken careful studies of the science of Psychology as such. Yet, I doubt myself much - official - activity is going on in Islamic countries because Islam is known to be a dogmatic political-religion, disallowing freedom of the press etc. 

# The historical background mainly with regard to the Christian religion. #
The Christian religion does not really deal with the science of Subtle Mind Control because it is a dogmatic religion. Despite this various branches within Christianity are doing a great effort of seeking to help "victims" of cults and also sects from what they consider their misery. But this is being done from a Christian angle and definition of the concept of Subtle Mind Control - and this is entangled with dogmatic Christian doctrines, which in themselves to a certain extend operate in a manner where it is establishing conditioning factors and phobia induced factors - instead of making people aware of them. Something officially apparently not recognized by the Christian leaders.

More informed persons could no doubt offer more info with regard to the issue Subtle Mind Control, and anti-cult psychologists in the Eastern and Middle Eastern countries than I am able to at the moment and also because of a certain lack of space. Later I will perhaps write more about this subject. Other areas could also be touched upon, but the development with regard to this science in the Western countries has no doubt had a certain impact in other regions with regard to the psychological science of Subtle Mind Control.

I could seek to cover other cultural areas with regard to the science on Subtle Mind Control, but the above should give a broad outline of where we are today in various respects. And I will add that I do not know all and everything about what is going with regard to the science on Subtle Mind Control in various countries and cultures on our little planet. Some readers or other persons might be able to throw more light on the above mentioned issues.

Here is a link to some of the more well-known modern day Western psychological researchers within the field of sects and cults. Their research are related to the science of Subtle Mind Control. (See Wikipedia - List of cult and new religious movement researchers - I throw this link because those researchers are related to the science on Subtle Mind Control in various ways and sometimes directly. The Seekers can from there study more deeply about the subject on Subtle Mind Control, or Thought Reform or Coercive Persuasion and its related definitions.

*** 3.2 - The science on Subtle Mind Control and an attempt of a definition of it ***
The science on Subtle Mind Control is shortly formulated the science on the aspect of the use of Subtle Mind Control in religious organisations, and other organisations by a leader or a group of leaders, and its damaging results and how to avoid them. The science on Subtle Mind Control is about when Subtle Mind Control is used by a leader or a group of leaders in organisations, especially here a religious organisations on behalf of members in such an organisation. And with regard to religious organisations when such a leader or leaders use it while they in more or less subtle manner install fear, phobia or phobias, psychological blockages or condition various members of their organisation through the promotion of a religious doctrine. The science on Subtle Mind Control is also called Coercive Persuasion, Thought Reform, and other names or terms. The last two terms can also be used when one like to expand the definition to cover the science about Brain-Washing and the use of violence, not only with regard to religious organisations but all kinds of interactions between human beings and life. This is the central formulation and definition of the science on Subtle Mind Control, although there are other aspects to it. Here my focus is on the religious organisations and New Age organisations and groups.

The science on Subtle Mind Control is today not really a clearly recognized term within the science of Psychology. Various terms are being used these days, such as the science on Conditioning, or the science on Exit-Counselling, or the science on Thought Reform etc. etc. They all of them more or less are seen to cover the same mutual scientific findings with regard to religious organisations and New Age groups and organisations.
Some will call it a science, and others will call it a psychological theory. But I will call it a science, because the documented evidence about its existence and various basic findings and concepts with regard to it can be shown and proven. Beneath it various theories can be formulated, no doubt about that. And this has already been done by various authors depending on their own backgrounds and even religious inclinations etc.

Here I am seeking to show how most ordinary psychologist more or less define the science on Subtle Mind Control and the central mutual aspects given by them. And I will add a few of my own formulations based on what I have learned about the subject.

When someone uses Subtle Mind Control it happens in a subtle and psychological manner compared to what happens when what we know as Brain-washing takes place. Brain-washing involves most often physical violence, and direct threat to a persons life or treats about torture etc. etc. And physical violence are not used when persons are being subject to use of Subtle Mind Control. Or it happens very very seldom in religious groups or New Age groups. But since Subtle Mind Control in general does not use physical violence it is therefore less obvious and more subtle in its manner of operating. And therefore much less easy to detect. And therefore in certain respects much more dangerous to the individual and society as such. And this is important to realise the truth about.

And that is perhaps also why many persons more easily fall "victim" to it in various degrees, without knowing it. And it is in fact quite important to understand that people in general do not know it, when they fall victim to it. Those who know about the science are to a certain degree able to help the victims of it, if they are interested in listening to and hearing about this science and seek to understand it.
If some of the readers know about business-like marketing, and the impact it has on the average consumer, then they know a bit about what Subtle Mind Control is. Commercials do work and do influence the consumers, also many of those who are intellectuals or religiously inclined, and has been proven many times. (I am thereby not saying that Commercials operate as Subtle Mind Control, but that they in various respects are related to how Subtle Mind Control operates when it plays on fears, or install or reinforce phobias in a subtle manner.) And not seldom influence people much more than most people are aware of and sometimes at all are willing to admit. And If some of the readers know about how Hypnosis actually work and operate on the victim, then they certainly also know what Subtle Mind Control can be. But all this is only a part of the whole picture about Subtle Mind Control.
There are much more central issues or consequences involved - especially with regard to core ethics in life - when we deal with Subtle Mind Control in various kinds of religious organisations. Subtle Mind Control can also operate when we as human beings work in a company. It can operate in political parties and also when Politicians legislate and make statements. It can operate when one are being attached to one of the many alternative Healers (some of them for instance masquerading as Hypnotists) and similar giving alternative New Age related treatments to individuals ailments. These are the main areas which Subtle Mind Control operates in. Here my focus is on the religious organisations and New Age organisations and groups.

The use of Subtle Mind Control in religious organisations and New Age groups and organisations can occur in various ways.
They operate with one or more of the following elements. They can operate in the religious organisation or group to varying degrees. And the leader or leaders forwarding them are maybe not even consciously aware of the effect the religious teaching or doctrine are having on the individual members - and that it operates more or less to a certain degree with one or more of the elements described in the below. Or more sinister: the leader or leaders might be aware of it all more or less. - The first two sections in the below are mentioned shortly in the beginning because they are very central to how Subtle Mind Control operates.

A) Fear. They (the leader or leaders) might play on various fears of the individual whether it be a newcomer or a long time member. And it might happen in a subtle manner. 
B) Phobia. They might induce Phobia or Phobias in the individual whether it be a newcomer or a long time member. And it might happen in a subtle manner. And this is regarded as perhaps the most efficient method among them all. More about this later.
C) Social attachment. They (the leader or leaders) might play on the social attachments or social needs of the individual whether it be a newcomer or a long time member. A given members perceived need to belong to a religious group, - sometimes despite this members wish to break free - if he or she got told the simple documented truth about the religious organisations manner of operating. And it might happen in a subtle manner. 
D) Greed. They (the leader or leaders) might play on the individuals own greed for various things either materialistic, sexual, power or religious fame and other things whether it be a newcomer or a long time member. And it might happen in a subtle manner. 
E) Behavior control. They might in a subtle manner seek to control the behavior of the member and introduce such a control in a subtle manner. Especially people who believe the religious groups doctrines or teachings might fall victim to this, especially if he or she at the beginning are psychologically vulnerable one way or the other. This vulnerability can be due to a wide range of factors. It can be due to the loss of a boyfriend/girlfriend, the loss of a family-member who has died, the loss of ones dog or pet, or a major economical loss, a lost job - or depression, or strangely enough also the experience of having been a member of another religious organisation, and perhaps a quite different and very ugly cult. 
F) Emotional control. All the content mentioned in C) might more or less play on the persons emotions, and the religious doctrine or teaching forwarded might promote either celibacy or the opposite - excessive sex with a lot of partners. Another issue can be control of emotions in a manner, where they are being suppressed or repressed. Some religious groups teach doctrines, called "love bombing". It is often used towards individual members who are about to leave a religious organisation or group - and - where a group of members - as a part of the religious doctrine - so to speak "love bomb" the member so to persuade the member to stay for social and religious reasons etc. (It sometimes happen by placing the member in the center of a group of members encircling the member, while sweet love-chanting takes place or other similar methods. This part of activity might be compassionate, while other parts of the religious doctrine might be problematic with regard to Subtle Mind Control.)

The use of inducing fear and Phobias by the leaders are also a part of emotional control. For instance fear for an eternal hell as a Phobia, or, fear of betraying the RIGHT cause, or the ONLY cause. Or even fear of being cast out by good friends in the religious organisation or group, (social attachment). An example of Phobia is for instance the belief, that if one drop out - other spiritual beings will have to go through several extra incarnations in their spiritual development, or that a more negative version of the year 2012 or 2028 then might not be avoided etc. etc. Or that if one leave the group one will suffer 10.000 reincarnations as a frog or a flea. And similar examples. 

Phobias are so central in many religious organisations these days, so it will perhaps be a good idea to write a few extra words so better to explain what there in reality might be going on when Subtle Mind Control takes place.
Phobias are persistent, irrational fears of an object, situation or organisation. All phobias can be stimulated by a cue that activates a somewhat closed cycle of fearful images, thoughts and feelings. The stimulation often creates a fearful panic-reaction in the individual a "fight-or-flight" response, an automatic survival reaction takes place. The most common coping mechanism for a phobic individual is avoidance of the activated stimulus. Phobias destabilise and undermine the individuals view of reality, emotional and intellectual control, self-confidence, and judgement. Typical non-religious phobias are fear for public speaking, heights, dark places, drowning, snakes, spiders etc. etc. A high number of persons on this planet these days suffer from one or more phobias.

A religious or cult Phobia is a human-made mental illness which is a central part to the Subtle Mind Control regime which a leader or some leaders in some religious organisations promotes.
The leader or leaders are sometimes not aware of that they are doing it, or it might happen more or less consciously. The sub-leaders sometimes just follow the religious doctrine others have taught them and are not aware of what they actually are doing and that they themselves are "victims" of Subtle Mind Control, no matter whether they are happy about their religious situation or not. Because a religious member or sub-leader can easily be a happy member of a religious organisation and still be a "victim" of Subtle Mind Control. Subtle Mind Control can in fact be said to be beneficial to a certain degree, when viewed from various perspectives. In the end, I am however of the opinion, that it is best to be aware of the actual level of Subtle Mind Control one as an individual has fallen victim to. And it is when a given religious organisation is not openly emphasizing these things in its organisational structure and its mode or manner of operating, I find it to lack central elements with regard to the promotion of altruism.

- First. - In some religious organisations the religious leader or leaders implants in a more or less subtle manner the fear (sometimes called a religious doctrine), that the new member cannot trust his or her own thinking capacities - due to unseen negative spiritual forces (sometimes named Satan or the Dark Brotherhood), which supposedly from time to time is affecting the mind and spirit of the new recruit. The fear of unseen forces sometimes become unrealistic and non-objective as a result of such promotions of such claimed religious doctrines. - The negative forces might be those who are not members of the particular religious organisation or similar. It might be non-physical entities, or they might be flying around in UFO's coming from Mars or similar. They might be various leading personalities on the planet etc. etc.
- Second. - Or another kind of Phobia fear, namely that the whole planet or even the universe are depending on the new recruit for the "salvation" of humanity - and - that this cannot take place if one leaves the particular religious organisation. There is much at stake.
- Third. - Anti-cult psychologist and Exit-Counsellors are because of the above sometimes being presented as belonging to the group of negative forces according to the leader or leaders of the religious organisation. - They are being classed negatively as Deprogrammers who use sinister methods - for instance the use of straitjackets in a closed cell, even torture, or rape or hypnosis. And that they are non-religious or materialistic cold human beings. And that Exit-Counsellors in fact are Deprogrammers who use Brain-washing and other ugly methods. - This most often happen in larger religious organisations, or sects of various kinds. And if it is not being said directly, it is being said indirectly - or just referred to as something obviously bad.
- Fourth. - There could here follow a huge list of what kinds of fears and phobias, which are being sought implanted in a more or less subtle manner to newcomers or relatively new members of a some religious organisation. Here are a few of them.

The following is about what could happen to the member if it leaves or disobey the religious organisation or cult. These Phobias are clearly being implanted in members of various religious organisations these days in a more or less subtle manner. Either directly or indirectly.

What could happen if a member leaves or disobey a particular religious organisation or sect:
a) Physical health. The physical health might suffer. The ordinary humans eat spiritually damaging unhealthy food, they wear non-spiritually non-environmental and damaging clothes, they will absorb toxic rays from electronic devices. Pollution in big cities might destroy your health and disfigure your skin. Traffic accidents happen in big cities, not at the Ashram. They will most likely damage their childrens spiritual progress for centuries or decades. These problems are not seldom being distorted out of proportion in the religious doctrine which are to be followed.
b) Psychological health. They might be committed to a mental institution and given a straitjacket, or subjected to drugs, electroshock etc. etc. - They might become less intelligent, because they will loose their spiritual possibilities and the protection of the "Ashram". - They will be controlled by past traumas if they leave. They will be failures spiritually speaking. They will loose their abilities and talents - sometimes due to bad karma.
c) Spiritual health. They will loose their relationship with God or the real God. The negative forces or supernatural entities will take advantage of the situation and attack the member with even more increased force. They will be possessed. They will reject the Messiah, the Avatar, or the spiritual Leader of the organisation. - Or they will reject the Masters if they leave. - They will never achieve spiritual enlightenment or only much more difficult. They will be judged unworthy when doomsday take place or judged unworthy when we reach the year 2012 or 2028.
d) Social health. They will never be able to trust anyone again. They will be rejected by others. Or by their family, or the family will lead them astray. Or the will never be able to speak to their children or grandchildren again - or perhaps even their husband or wife. - They will have much greater difficulties in getting a good job or they will earn much less than they do now as a member of the religious organisation. - They might be abducted either by aliens or black-ops intelligence - and put in jail indefinitely.
e) Other paranoia. Fear that earth will be destroyed. Fear that evil conspiracies will win over the good forces on the planet. Fear of cosmic cataclysm. Fear that they will be spied upon and followed by the religious organisation and some of its members. And all these fears might end up operating as religiously induced Phobias, (sometimes masked as Knowledge, but is in fact merely believed or assumed Knowledge - and not actual Knowledge).

And much more.
Not all groups use all the above Phobias, they might use only a few of them. There are not seldom a kind of social stigmata attached to ex-cult or ex-sect members. Phobias can be so strong that some members cannot imagine themselves happy, safe, and fulfilled outside the religious organisation.

Phobias, which succeed in being implanted by a leader or leaders in a religious organisation can effectively block the individuals ability to think clearly about his or her role in life and what reality is or is not. And what objective reality is. These are scientific facts and have been documented many times. Religious leaders use a great variety of methods - either consciously or unconsciously more or less - to induce Phobias in members of their particular organisation. One of the clearest examples are that the leader uses his or her authority to instill Phobias in the members. The leader will for instance say: "You will create bad karma for 5 extra incarnations if you leave and betray the spiritual cause and the Masters.... and me.".......Or this one: "If you leave the organisation you will leave the Masters! --- or the World Teacher!"

Typically, his or her tone of voice is one of absolute authority and confidence. His or her eyes is fixed upon the members, the audience, and one of his or her fingers are pointing directly at the members of the audience. And since religious leaders often claim to posses divine powers, their words carry a tremendous weight. This should not be overlooked.
- Other methods are indirect or use examples of what happen to people who do not follow the religious doctrine - or what has happened to ex-members of the religious organisation. - Sometimes an religious organisation of Western origin is merely a copy more or less of a Christian religious mind-set which existed in the Middle Ages, and which can be read about in the nearest library. So the Phobias are sometimes already there when the individual joins it, because of the individuals Christian cultural background. They perhaps merely need to be reinforced and transferred to another new and more acceptable terminology and teaching-system, perhaps with a few eastern doctrines added so to make it all more easy to swallow. - Another example analogically speaking was Steven Spielberg's movie called JAWS. It can no doubt be called one of the most effective Phobia indoctrinating movies ever made. The result was that it clearly made more people afraid of swimming in the ocean, and perhaps much more than any other book or movie.

G) Thought control. The religious organisation or group have some leaders or a leader who forwards a religious teaching or doctrine which not seldom are deemed to be the highest kind of teaching religiously. It might be recognized that other groups has similar teachings, but it is often thought that those groups are not really on the same level as this particular one. - "Loaded language" might be a part of the thought control. The religious group or organisation might have its own terminology not used by any other group or organisation. This makes the group or organisation special and sets it apart from all other groups and organisations. This element of a special terminology often creates an "us" and "them" relation to people outside the religious organisation or group. It also creates an insiders knowledge about coded symbols and expressions.
In some groups, some of the more high-ranking members are being taught hypnosis (called healing or similar), and not seldom without knowing that they are being taught exactly that. - The members might also be taught that the leader or leaders are always right - or - that they are not allowed to be criticized in any manner what so ever. To question them is in fact considered to be a kind of sacrilege. 

H) Information Control. They (the leader or leaders) might restrict access to various kinds of information at the "Ashram", "the Abode of the Divines", "the special holy place", the HQ, or the religious center. For instance one will after a while suddenly experience that newspapers and television is disallowed - and that it is a natural thing and in accordance with the religious doctrine. And even if one is living at home, one is perhaps regularly being questioned about ones behavior in this regard. More advanced members or even ordinary members might even be told by sub-leaders to spy in new members so to keep them in line.
Some books might be disallowed, and there might even be a so-called religious "Index of Forbidden Books" in the religious group or organisation. One might only hear about it later and not in the beginning of ones membership. A Confession-system almost like the one found in the Catholic Church might be used as a part of the information control system. - In various religious organisations and some of them might call themselves esoterical or spiritual such a Confession-system might more or less be employed through a teaching-system which occur by exchanges of ordinary mail or e-mail. The member is constantly questioned about his or her mind-set and behavior. And lying is of course disallowed, when answering. Refusal to answer the questions are the same as disobeying the religious doctrine of the organisation. And since such organisations do not openly teach the science on Subtle Mind Control or similar it can easily be classed as a sect or worse.

And there are more info on the above. The leader or leaders might do all of the above either consciously or un-consciously more or less, and sometimes in fact with the best well-meaning intentions, religious intentions.

*** 3.3 - The subtle manner of establishing the new sectarian identity ***


All the above are of course just my views. And I might be in error about a number it things in the above.
And I do not claim myself infallible. I just have the hope that some of it might be useful to some of the readers of it.

>>> Part 3 follows shortly. <<<

M. Sufilight

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