Re: theos-talk Leadbeater on why Mahatma Letters should not be published
Sep 18, 2011 03:25 AM
by M. Sufilight
Dear Anand and friends
My views are:
Yes. Interesting, this about not publishing the Mahatma Letters. And I am
not one of those who find their publication in the early 20th century to
have been done in a proper manner taking the points mentioned into account -
and - a few other issues not mentioned in the paper by Leadbeater.
I will however write a comment on the below excerpt on the Leadbeater
Leadbeater wrote:
"Madame Blavatsky
herself essayed the same gigantic task in her monumental work The Secret
but, wonderful as was the erudition she displayed, the arrangement was still
imperfect, and she so over-weighted her volumes with quotations from
(perhaps sometimes only quasi-scientific) writers, and with more or less
testimony from all kinds of out-of-the-way sources, that it was still almost
impossible for the average man to grasp the scheme as a coherent whole. We
owe an immense debt of gratitude to Messrs. B. Keightley, A. Keightley, G.
R. S. Mead and, above all, to our President (Annie Besant), for their long
and arduous labour of systematization and re-arrangement; indeed, it was not
until the last-mentioned author (Annie Besant) published The Ancient Wisdom
that we had before us a clearly comprehensible statement of Theosophy as we
now understand it."
M. Sufilight says:
A few wellmeaning words from me, which might be able to spark som altruism
and wisdom in the inner chambers of the spiritual hearts.
It seems to me, that our indefatigable Messiah-priest W. C. Leadbeater and
also the political Annie Besant in her book Ancient Wisdom did not
understand the upper triangle on Maha-Sunyata and Absolute Negation given in
the Gelugpa Rang-Tong teachings within esoteric Buddhism - as these
doctrines were given in the Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky - And they also
seem to have forgotten the importance of the use of the 7 keys when writing
a book. - And that the book the Secret Doctrine clearly was forwarded to be
read by advanced students of wisdom teachings - and - not for the average
man as Leabeater seem to imply. - And the word "theosophy" is -
appearently - neither understood in a proper manner by Leadbeater in the
above text. I have in my recent previous post here at Theos-talk sought to
clairify this problem, which Blavatsky and other members of the
international body of the Theosophical Society constantly was facing among
members and by journalists in the newspapers in various countries and so on.
Well, just a few views of mine.
I do hope, that they will hit good soil - somewhere.
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anand Gholap" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:26 AM
Subject: theos-talk Leadbeater on why Mahatma Letters should not be
C.W. Leadbeater on why Mahatma Letters should not be published
Anand Gholap
Below are extremely important passages written by Mr. C.W. Leadbeater
Mahatma Letters. Publication of Mahatma Letters was forbidden by Mahatmas
various reasons. Below we see those reasons and also disastrous implications
if they were published.
"I have mentioned various ways in which messages are received from the
world, but there is still another type of communication which is perhaps of
more immediate interest to some of our students, and that is the message or
instruction occasionally given by a Master of the Wisdom to His pupils. Such
messages have been sent at intervals all through the history of our Society.
They have, however, been of many different kinds, and have come in diverse
ways. Some have been public- addressed, that is to say, to all enquirers;
have been intended for certain groups of students only ; yet others have
strictly private, containing advice or instruction to a single pupil. A vast
amount of what, now that it is systematized, we usually call Theosophical
came to us in the shape of phenomenally-produced letters, written (or rather
precipitated) by order of one or other of the Brotherhood to which our
Students should, however, bear in mind that those early letters were never
intended as a complete statement of the ancient doctrine ; they were the
to a number of heterogeneous questions propounded by Messrs. Sinnett and
By slow degrees the outlines of that doctrine began to emerge from this
chaotic mass of revelation, and Mr. Sinnett tried to reduce it to some sort
of order in his Esoteric Buddhism.
Each of his chapters is an able statement of the information received on one
branch of the subject, but naturally there are many links missing. Madame
herself essayed the same gigantic task in her monumental work The Secret
but, wonderful as was the erudition she displayed, the arrangement was still
imperfect, and she so over-weighted her volumes with quotations from
(perhaps sometimes only quasi-scientific) writers, and with more or less
testimony from all kinds of out-of-the-way sources, that it was still almost
impossible for the average man to grasp the scheme as a coherent whole. We
owe an immense debt of gratitude to Messrs. B. Keightley, A. Keightley, G.
R. S. Mead and, above all, to our President (Annie Besant), for their long
and arduous labour of systematization and re-arrangement; indeed, it was not
until the last-mentioned author (Annie Besant) published The Ancient Wisdom
that we had before us a clearly comprehensible statement of Theosophy as we
now understand it.
It was not the intention of our Masters that those original letters should
be published; indeed, in one of them the Chohan Kuthumi quite clearly
" My letters must not be published" ; and later in the same epistle: " The
letters were not written for publication or public comment upon them, but
private use, and neither M. nor I would ever give our consent to see them
handled." Mr. Sinnett promised that at his death he would leave these
to our President for preservation in the Society's archives; but most
he either changed his mind or forgot to do this, and so they fell into the
hands of one who thought himself wiser in this matter than the Masters, and
therefore did just what They had forbidden, though They had given clear
that to do so "would only be making confusion worse confounded . . . would
place you in a still more difficult position, bring criticism upon the heads
of the Masters, and thus have a retarding influence on human progress and
Theosophical Society ". This is very readily comprehensible to an ordinary
intellect when we see how much of purely personal matter and of advice on
of merely temporary interest those early letters contain ; still more so
we remember that Madame Blavatsky said of them :
"It is hardly one out of a hundred occult letters that is ever written by
hand of the Master in whose name and on whose behalf they are sent, as the
Masters have neither need nor leisure to write them ; and when a Master says
" I wrote that letter," it means only that every word in it was dictated by
Him and impressed under His direct supervision. Generally They make Their
whether near or far away, write (or precipitate) them, by impressing upon
mind the ideas They wish expressed, and, if necessary, aiding him in the
process of precipitation. It depends entirely upon the Chela's state of
how accurately the ideas may be transmitted and the writing-model imitated."
(Lucifer, vol. iii, p. 93.)
Furthermore, in order to enable him to estimate aright the value in detail
of these letters, I most strongly recommend the student to re-read carefully
another of Madame Blavatsky's definite statements on this subject, printed
on page 617 et seq. of the Centenary number of The Theosophist, in which she
clearly explains that the " direct supervision " mentioned above was not
exercised, but that a chela was ordered to satisfy correspondents to the
of his or her ability. I am not for a moment maintaining that the
given in some of those letters was not of the very greatest value and
to us ; on the contrary, it was the beginning of the whole Theosophical
; but I do say, having seen the originals, that there are some
obvious mistakes in detail, and some statements that no Master, with His
omniscient knowledge, could possibly have made ; and I have no doubt that
reasons for such errors are precisely those which Madame Blavatsky gives
According to H.P. Blavatsky, mistakes in precipitation of letters are quite
possible due to various reasons. Below are the paragraphs of H.P. Blavatsky
from her article Precipitation. These paragraphs explain the process of
and why mistakes can happen in this process.
"The work of writing the letters in question is carried on by a sort of
telegraphy; the Mahatmas very rarely write their letters in the ordinary
An electromagnetic connection, so to say, exists on the psychological plane
between a Mahatma and his chelas, one of whom acts as his amanuensis. When
the Master wants a letter to be written in this way, he draws the attention
of the chela, whom he selects for the task, by causing an astral bell (heard
by so many of our Fellows and others) to be rung near him, just as the
telegraph office signals to the receiving office before wiring the message.
The thoughts arising in the mind of the Mahatma are then clothed in word,
mentally, and forced along the astral currents he sends towards the pupil to
impinge on the brain of the latter. Thence they are borne by the
to the palms of his hands and the tips of his fingers, which rest on a piece
of magnetically prepared paper. As the thought-waves are thus impressed on
the tissue, materials are drawn to it from the ocean of ákas, (permeating
atom of the sensuous universe) by an occult process, out of place here to
and permanent marks are left. . . .
From this it is abundantly clear that the success of such writing as above
described depends chiefly upon these things: (1) The force and the clearness
with which the thoughts are propelled and (2) the freedom of the receiving
brain from disturbance of every description. The case with the ordinary
telegraph is exactly the same. If, for some reason or other the battery
the electric power falls below the requisite strength on any telegraph line
or there is some derangement in the receiving apparatus, the message
becomes either mutilated or otherwise imperfectly legible. The telegram sent
toEngland by Reuter's agent at Simla on the classification of the opinions
of Local Governments on the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill, which excited
so much discussion, gives us a hint as to how inaccuracies might arise in
process of precipitation. Such inaccuracies, in fact do very often arise as
may be gathered from what the Mahatma says in the above extract. "Bear in
says He, that "these letters are not written, but impressed, or
To turn to the sources of error in the precipitation. Remembering the
under which blunders arise in telegrams, we see that if a Mahatma somehow
exhausted or allows his thoughts to wander off during the process, or fails
to command the requisite intensity in the astral currents along which his
are projected, or the distracted attention of the pupil produces
in his brain and nerve-centres, the success of the process is very much
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