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Re: theos-talk Adyar Beach Saved from Highway Construction

Sep 09, 2011 07:25 AM
by M. Sufilight

Thanks to all of you for giving the info.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MKR 
  To: theos-talk 
  Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 3:17 PM
  Subject: theos-talk Adyar Beach Saved from Highway Construction

  Just received a msg from Pedro Oliveira about the decision of the Govt of
  Tamil Nadu not to go ahead with the construction plan. I am sure many who
  are interested in the environment of Adyar Beach would be glad to know.
  Kudos for the efforts of Pedro and others in Chennai.


  Here is the quote from the msg:

  After a long, tortuous and very difficult campaign I am very happy to inform
  you that the State Government of Tamil Nadu has officially dropped the
  project of the proposed Elevated Expressway from the Lighthouse in Chennai
  to Kottivakkam. The project's route included the special Adyar beach, the
  last undisturbed beach in Chennai, and the dwelling place of a delicate

  Please find attached the official Government letters announcing the
  cancellation of the project.

  On behalf of the Save Chennai Beaches Campaign I would like to thank all of
  you who participated in this crucial campaign by signing petitions and
  letters to the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu.

  Adyar beach has been saved, but also many coastal communities and a vast
  universe of natural life, which includes the Olive Ridley turtles, many
  species of migratory birds and the sanctity of the TS Adyar campus.

  PS: the attachments are not attached here since theos-talk does not allow

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