Re: theos-talk Boris de Zirkoff on Theosophy
Aug 30, 2011 10:00 AM
by M. Sufilight
Dear Daniel anf friends
My views are:
I just saw your post.
I agree very much with your words.
There is just the following, which I wouldm like to comment on...
Daniel wrote:
"but it is equally true that the teachings promulgated by the Founders and their Superiors are defined in no uncertain language throughout the length and breadth of the original theosophical literature, leaving no room whatsoever for doubt as to what the system of thought known as theosophy is all about, what it teaches and what it does not."
M. Sufilight says:
Yes, seen from one point of view, this is absolutely true.
I will however like to add or explain the following views. But, when reading books by Idries Shah and other esoteric psychologists, one reach also a conclusion mentioned by Blavatsky. Namley: There is a time, a place, people, and circumstances for every kind of teaching - and therefore the use of the 7 keys are important - and as well as the vibration of each letter written or word pronounced og uttered. - When to use humor and when not, and especially with regard to whom --- whether to use other kinds special dosed spirtitual techniques of various kinds when forwarding such a teaching, - the shock-technique included. (We aught, as Blavatsky said, to remember that limitations of the written word). And I find that one because of this easily could call life as such - an art - with many colours. - So, I am merely adding, that the "no uncertain language" used, which you mention in the above, aught to be viewed with regard to the 7 keys used, the vibrations and impacts of the letters and words used - as well as - the time, place, people and circumstances for the communication. - And also the fact that such a teaching given in "no uncertain language", never aught to be promoted by the use of subtile Mind Control techniques or secterian promulgations --- when the aim is altruism. Yet, errare humanum est.. And, we all know that - yet some Seekers do not.
--- And all the above is perhaps all in all why the teachings given by Blavatsky and her teachers not always are easily accessible to a number of Seekers. A Psychological Key seem to be needed in out time.
Just a few views, I felt I would like to add.
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:29 AM
Subject: theos-talk Boris de Zirkoff on Theosophy
...For some years past, a tendency has existed among some [theosophical] students ... to consider theosophy as some sort of generalized approach to truth, a tradition, often somewhat uncertain, concerning various aspects of the Universe and man, a system of ideas and concepts which can hardly be defined with any degree of exactness or clarity. It is most likely that this tendency owes its origin to a desire to avoid any dogmatic attitude or the creation of any kind of creed. The motive may have been laudable, but the methods employed have been rather dubious.
We should never lose sight of the fact that the Esoteric Philosophy is a very definite doctrine, a system of thought based on specific postulates, on well-defined propositions ... Even a cursory glance at the pages of The Secret Doctrine would confirm this fact. That work contains innumerable instances where H.P.B. (and the Adept-Brothers speaking through her) uses such expressions as: "the Secret Doctrine teaches," "secret records declare," "The Esoteric Philosophy states that ...," "it is the teaching of the ancient occult doctrine," and others. If the student cared to underline these passages and then read them consecutively, or place them in juxtaposition, he would see at a glance that the "Secret Doctrine," as a system of thought, is about as definite as any science or philosophy is ever apt to be, and stands in direct opposition to a large number of other ideas which have become current in the world under the name of one or another religion or philosophy.
It is perfectly true that the objects of the organized body known as The Theosophical Society have never contained any definition of what Theosophy is or is not; but it is equally true that the teachings promulgated by the Founders and their Superiors are defined in no uncertain language throughout the length and breadth of the original theosophical literature, leaving no room whatsoever for doubt as to what the system of thought known as theosophy is all about, what it teaches and what it does not.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- References:
- Boris de Zirkoff on Theosophy
- From: "Daniel" <>
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