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Re: theos-talk Review of Collected Writings of Geoffrey Hodson

Feb 12, 2011 11:14 AM
by M. Sufilight

Or was it 1886 hes was born? (smile.)

Apart from this I find the quote by Hodson interesting for his time.

Let me add a few views of my own to it.

Life is a learning, most people say..
Real learning cannot take place, some say, until one is ready for it.
Learning only take place in accordance with time, place, people and circumstances.
Academic lectures which operate like a kind of semi-psychotherapy, is only a kind of semi-psychotherapy and nothing more than that. Why one prefer to call it something else, one can only wonder about. And when one realises this, the learning proces operate in a different manner.

And since Theosophy was called the "exact science on Psychology" in the Theosophist in 1879, the above could very well be very true. But createing a secterian behaviour out of it, aught to be avoided, when one want to follow the Original Programe of the Theosophical Society as given in 1875-1891 and deviated from by some theosophical groups at least since the year 1908 if not before. Because the exact science on Psychology aught as I see it not be turned into a mere belief in a certain kind of Theosophy. The so-called Psychological Key to Theosophy is especially present in our modern times, where the science on Psychology (Parapsychology included) have taken giant steps the last 100 years or so.

But all these are just my views.
And those who would like to call this inflammatory or something like that, may be my guest.
I just stated my views to help us all.

- - -

I like children. Their attitudes are often very central and are often hitting the core of things. Smile.

Disney Pooh's Heffalump Movie - Part 1 -6 (Six movies all in all)
On the dangerous Heffalump Hollow(!) and why changes in attitude will occur once in a while. Smile.

And Eeyore:
Eeyore was saying to himself, "This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it."

M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MKR 
  To: theos-talk ; theos-l 
  Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 6:31 PM
  Subject: theos-talk Review of Collected Writings of Geoffrey Hodson

  Review of Collected Writings of Geoffrey Hodson

  I recently got hold of 2 volume publication of Collected Writings of
  Geoffrey Hodson, the well-known theosophical author, lecturer and
  clairvoyant. I was very pleased with what I saw in them that I wanted to
  share my views.

  Hodson was born in 1866 and passed on in 1983. For more than a 50 years, he
  traveled around the world lecturing on theosophical topics. In one of the
  articles, he clearly spells out his views on traveling and lecturing:

  âI believe that the activity of traveling about the world, teaching the
  Ageless Wisdom, is one of the highest callings and greatest privileges open
  to a human being. While all the aspects of Theosophical administration are
  important, essential indeed and those who thus contribute are in their turn
  performing deeply significant services, perhaps the expounding of Theosophy
  and its application to the manifold problems of human life, bringing one
  into intimate touch with humanity, is the highest calling of all.â

  The 2 Volume book titled - Sharing the Light - contain collected articles of
  Hodson and was complied by John and Elizabeth Sell and Edited by Roselmo Z
  Doval Santos. They are all well known theosophists in NZ.

  The books contain 402 articles Hodson has written and published in official
  theosophical magazines of NZ, India, USA, Australia and South Africa.
  Articles go as far back as 1927.

  The books were published in 2008 by TPH, Quezon City, Philippines and
  printed in Thailand, a truly multi-country effort. Those who came up with
  the idea and followed through the project should be congratulated.

  In the preface, there are acknowledgments to many who contributed to the
  publication. What stuck me was the acknowledgment for the many personal and
  financial contributions to the production of the book by Vic Chin Jr., the
  well known theosophist from Philippines.

  The publication is in two volumes, nicely printed and bound with hard cover.
  The volumes have 920 and 968 pages respectively, has a lot of photos and
  good indexes at the end. In the US, it costs about US$50.00.

  Let us look at the contents of the volumes:


  Spirituality and the Path of Discipleship
  Theosophical Teachings
  Clairvoyant Investigations
  The Angelic World
  Exploration of the unseen in other cultures
  World Religions, ceremonial and symbolism.
  The keys to health and healing.


  Unusual experiences, poems and interesting topics
  Further theosophical teachings
  The theosophical society and some leaders.
  The gift of theosophy to youth
  Presenting and promoting the wisdom teachings.
  An analysis of world problems with some theosophical solutions.

  The articles written by him are on varied topics. There are many on
  theosophy, theosophical society, and the White Brotherhood. They are a
  veritable mine for any earnest theosophical student.

  When one reads some of his articles about TS, its objectives and the role of
  the Brotherhood, one finds them very inspiring. He presents them in simple
  terms and one is convinced that he is speaking from personal knowledge and

  On a personal note, I found out that when he visited my home town, San
  Antonio, Texas, USA in 1953, (I was not there at that time) on a lecture
  tour, he appeared live on TV for the first time and answered questions
  spontaneously and for 15 minutes on the local radio immediately. Also, in
  some of the correspondence I have seen at the local Lodge, while traveling
  he preferred to stay at hotels and not in members' homes. The reason was
  that he wanted to be able to lay down on the bed undisturbed and do his
  super physical tasks and a hotel setting is ideal for this.

  The materials in the books are invaluable for posterity. However, it is too
  pricey and too bulky for todayâs theosophists to access. I am sure that the
  book was compiled using some word processing software and hence an
  electronic copy exists. It can be converted to a searchable PDF file with
  almost no cost or effort and can be distributed world-wide for free. This
  will go a long way to help poor theosophists, especially in the developing
  world. One wonders if those behind the book project considered this critical
  issue. Even today, it is not too late. I hope a free electronic copy is made
  available on Internet soon.

  There are a lot of other articles of his which were published in magazines
  around the world, and which are not in the book. I am sure they will add to
  the treasure of his writings. I would urge any theosophist who locates such
  material to forward them to TS-NZ, Vic Chin or myself and we can keep
  accumulating them and make them available as free electronic supplement to
  the book.


  There is no religion higher than Truth

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