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Re: theos-talk Theosophical Network and H. P. Blavatsky

Sep 05, 2010 10:42 AM
by Martin

Want me to upload them again?
On you can download a free program to 
download any video on the case youtube is censoring or other providers, 
you can simply put them up at an own server/provider...

From: "" <>
Sent: Sun, September 5, 2010 6:27:06 PM
Subject: Re: theos-talk Theosophical Network and H. P. Blavatsky

The videos have been deleted on the link websites. you should be a happy censor 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M. Sufilight" <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2010 4:47:34 AM 
Subject: theos-talk Theosophical Network and H. P. Blavatsky 

Dear friends 

My views are: 

Theosophical Network has posted the following rules for their forum, blogs etc.: 

"Rules of the Road 

First and foremost, posts and comments should be respectful. In keeping with 
this, certain kinds of comments should be avoided. These include: 

1. Comments of a discriminatory or prejudicial nature: Under no circumstances 
should there be discrimination on bases such as race, gender, age, class, 
religious or political affiliation, sexual orientation or other sweeping 
categorical bases not listed above. Common sense should be observed when in 
doubt; if your comments are openly prejudicial against any group, they should 
not be posted. 

2. Personal attacks: This category can be much broader than it seems at first 
glance. Obviously, there should be no name-calling or overt put-downs in our 
discussion. However, this rule is not restricted solely to these more blatant 
forms of personal attack. Please be respectful of the viewpoints of others, even 
if you disagree with them. We cannot all agree, but we can agree to disagree." 

"5. Harassment/abuse: Many activities that fall under this heading also fall 
under other headings, but harassment and abusive treatment in general will not 
be tolerated. This includes things already mentioned, such as name calling and 
personal attacks, but also includes things such as stalking (following a 
person's posting activity and posting abusive messages to them in many different 
places), personal threats/intimidation, extortion, etc. 

This includes private messages. Harassment is not acceptable just because it is 
not public. 

If you feel that you are being harassed or treated poorly by another member 
through private messages on the Community, please do not hesitate to contact an 
administrator. The Theosophical Network Admin Team can be reached by sending a 
message to ." 


A few question seem to araise, when reading the above. 
Since the Theosophical Network is openly declaring it self to be based on - the 
theosophical teachings - and clearly want to give people the impression that 
their aims are in accordance with the aims of theosophy (ie. Wisdom of the Gods) 
- and "To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without 
distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.", --- I wonder whether the 
following series of videos are in accordance with the Theosophical Network's 
above rules on "Comments of a discriminatory or prejudicial nature" or "Personal 
attacks" or "Harassment/abuse"? 

Here are the series of videos in mention: 
HPB Spiritual traveller part 1 from 6 

I ask: 
Can the above videos not be said to be a nasty attack on H. P. Blavatsky as well 
as the original Theosophical Society (1875-1891) - OR - against the view 
mentioned in the rules: "if your comments are openly prejudicial against any 
group, they should not be posted."? 

1. Detrimental; injurious. 
2. Causing or tending to preconceived judgment or convictions 

I just ask. 
I will let the readers decide for themselves. 

M. Sufilight 

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