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Helena Petrovna Blavatskies Corner

Aug 01, 2010 05:51 AM
by Martin

Aiunt multum legendum esse, non multa(Plinius Minor, Epistulae 7, 9, 15)

Aures habent et non audient (Psalm 113, 14)

Caedimus inque vicem praebemus crura sagittis (Persius, Saturae 4, 42)

Not only  because she was a niece of mine, but also because she had the same  
temper and curiousity I have, I will dedicate this topic to her.
I'd  like to start with an article from The Theosophist (6:8), May 1885,  
pp.187-8 given to me by Christina, thank you dear :-) My comments of  course are 
as usual bold and italic hahahaha
(Also note I use wiki extensively, so you look up all the difficult words and 
names, since I hate notes, lol)

Alterius non sit, qui suus esse potest ( Paracelsus )


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