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Re: Theos-World Fwd: TPH Twilight Archives

Jun 25, 2010 07:03 AM
by John W

The site should be still available on . It may also be cached on .
John W.

--- On Fri, 25/6/10, MKR <> wrote:
From: MKR <>
Subject: Theos-World Fwd: TPH Twilight Archives
To: "theos-talk" <>
Date: Friday, 25 June, 2010, 5:21 PM



      I was saddened to receive the message. If there is a way to retrieve the

entire website, we would be doing a favor to the posterity in making

valuable documents available.

If by chance, anyone had downloaded the website, please contact me off line



---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: pedro oliveira <>

Date: Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 10:57 PM

Subject: TPH Twilight Archives

To: MKR <mkr777>, Eldon B Tucker <eldonbtucker>

Dear Mr Ramadoss and Eldon,

I was quite sad this week when I accidentally discovered that Gladney

Oakley's website,, 'TPH Twilight Archives',

has been discontinued. Gladney passed away approximately four years ago in

Sydney and had been an untiring pioneer worker in putting Theosophical texts

online. As I matter of fact it was he who created the* Union Index of

Theosophical Periodicals*, now in a much expanded form in the TS in

Australia website ( Gladney

had sent to me at Adyar, as early as 1993, the templates of that Index and

we included news about it in 'Theosophical Work around the World' column in

*The Theosophist. *


His 'Twilight Archives' was a veritable mine of online Theosophical

information, very eclectic, but including works of importance in the world

of Theosophical literature. My understanding was that he had paid for the

website to continue for some years after his death, a period which has now

sadly expired.

We normally write obtituaries about people when the pass away. I think

'Twilight Archives' deserves a proper and perhaps collective obtituary by

those who knew Gladney and his passion for Theosophy as a Living Wisdom.





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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