Fwd: Review paper: QUANTUM BIOHOLOGRAPHY (and its links to mind and consciousness
May 07, 2010 06:53 PM
by Leon Maurer
Thought this might be of interest to students of theosophy and the Secret Doctrine
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@aol.com>
> Date: May 7, 2010 9:33:46 PM EDT
> To: WEDconscious@yahoogrous.com
> Bcc: MindBrain <MindBrain@yahoogroups.com>, Journal of consc Study forum <Jcs-online@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: Review paper: QUANTUM BIOHOLOGRAPHY (and its links to mind and consciousness
> Happy to see that there's at least one intelligent thinker in these consciousness study forums, who can see how it all began, where the fundamental spacial and solid geometry of the universe came from, and how it all works relatively in conjunction with absolute observer consciousness (latent awareness/will) -- which is located everywhere and phenomenally expressed in ALL sentient beings.
> As for your statement...
>> I believe, based on my GUTOE that each electron and all fermionic
>> particles are compose of 8 waves intersecting. 4 in and 4 out
> Check out this cross sectional diagram of an oncoming photon/electron standing wave
> http://leonmaurer.info/ABCimages/PhotonField.gif
> It's actually 7 in and 7 out if you add the 3 outer higher order harmonics (astral, mental spiritual fields) to the inner four physical fields (both in and out) -- which inner fields are the basis of the 8^2 nested tetrahedrons that compose the primal cube-octahedron vector equilibrium surrounding every ZP singularity in total fractal involved hyperspherical spacetime. See animations at:
> http://www.theresonanceproject.org/graphics.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W8pFRoIrnk
> As I see it, on each cycle of frequency of any particle's standing waves, the out going expanding waves are the electromagnetic fields, and the in coming contracting waves are the gravitational fields... All originating from one dual G-force or CW and CCW ZP spin momentum... Which, as spiraling parallel lines of force traveling in opposite directions. are the apparent analog of the spiral vortex, double helix DNA molecule... Thus, in combination with the information carried by and resonantly transformed through the harmonic spin fields -- giving the entire cosmos a biological basis. (That's why, since "the macrocosm is the mirror of the microcosm", I call my GUFTOE and primary model of cosmogenesis, "Astro-BIOLOGICAL Coenergetics".) See:
> http://knol.google.com/k/how-it-all-began#
> It's obvious, also, that a true theory of everything would have to include consciousness -- while logically proving that it must be a fundamental property (or subjective aspect) of totally static zero-point absolute space -- which could have only cyclic motion...
> Such non linear cyclic motion (on infinite spherical ZP axes) serves as the primal source of all linear motion or mass-energy of infinite possible universes, as well as all their fundamental particles... With only our physical universe, made of the same (spin angled) substance as ourselves, visible to and experienced by us (including the dark matter-energy of the invisible higher order light matter-energy fields along with the equally invisible perpendicular spin based anti-matter, which together compose over 95% of the total gravitational mass energy in our physical universe). See:
> http://leonmaurer.info/ABCimages/Fract-Exp-Lt-Dk-matter-text.jpg
> In string and M theories, the initial 1-d "superstring" emanated from the singularity at cosmogenesis, is the initial linear ray of G-force following a repeating 2-d (triple loop) spiral vortex double helix path, like twin circles within an outer circle.... And, the first "brane" is the continuous circumferential surface of the initial triune harmonic field (like two bubbles within a surrounding bubble) -- which is formed as the initial ray or "superstring", while continuing its endless series of parallel 2-d triple loops, rotates laterally (due to perpendicular spin at its central zero-point source) to form into the initial triune hyperspherical (toroidal) field.
> This spatial formation repeats fractally inward in three iterations until the fourth order physical universe appears (to continue repeating this octaval series of involutions analogously, ad infinitum, down to the physical/material level, and on until the smallest compacted ZPE field is reached in the Planck volume... To eventually break symmetry, interact quantitatively in accord with fundamental laws of electrodynamics inherent in cyclic spin, and evolve, precipitately, into the sub quantum and quantum particle-standing waves that combine and ultimately form the galaxies, stars, planets, organic biological life, etc.-- in accord with the finite holographic structural information carried in their primal spin momentum ("laya point") sources.
> Thus, the idea of open strings and separate branes floating around in empty space and colliding into each other to form big bang universes -- like many post modern physicists are talking about these days -- is a fantasy in their own minds (based on their misinterpretation of the Kaluza-Klein multidimensional matrix mathematical metaphors) -- since they haven't the faintest idea where and how such strings (energy rays) and branes (EM and Gr field surfaces) originate, what they are made of, or how they relate to the infinite ZPE source and its inherent consciousness (whose will, guided by its infinite holographic information stored in its "spinergy", is the actual motivator behind all cyclic manifestations of the cosmos)... Which then, evolves in accordance with fundamental laws, coupled with the holographic information carried in morphogenetic fields on the physical/astral plane.
> That's why all the followers of such superstring physics, including those natural or artificial "mediums" who also depend on their trance state or psychedelic visions, are much confused about the true nature of reality... Even though they sometimes see the tapering spiral vortex at the crossover between each of the four frequency phase orders of the physical electrodynamic fields, and confuse them for an actual physical tunnel or a tornado... just as some scientists imagine them as wormholes, or passageways to other parts of metric space or time.
> When, actually, they are simply the tapering vortex energy channel leading to a zero point of absolute space of pure consciousness (whose light shines as bright as the center of the Sun) -- located at the zero-point crossovers between one harmonic field and the next higher order field (such as between the material EM and the astral EM fields).
> It's this change of consciousness field state that one experiences at the moment of material death, or during an NDE. It's also experienced later, when the consciousness passes (at the "second death") from the disintegrated astral body to the pure soul or mental/spiritual state. (This higher "monad" is the overall triune field surrounding the entire physical/astral body. See:
> http://leonmaurer.info/ABCimages/Chakrafielddiag-fig.col.jpg
> http://leonmaurer.info/ABCimages/THOTH_IN_DIAMOND_SAMADHI.jpg
> Only, one's purified consciousness, after it leaves the body along with its higher order triune spiritual monad, can directly look on such a light... Since, each one of us is simply a single ray of that pure spiritual light looking back on itself after it sheds the physical/material and astral body and can bypass its indirect sense mechanisms and brain processes acting as filters or blinders. In the ancient Greek mystery teachings, it's said that "one can approach that light but can never touch it".
> I guess that's enough word and pictorially symbolized imagery about hidden realities -- to mull over for the time being. If anyone gets lost along the way, or finds any gaps they can't cross -- don't hesitate to ask questions, or make constructive comments or clarifications.
> Best wishes,
> Leon Maurer
> On Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:17 am ((PDT)) "rybo6" rybo6@usit.net os_jbug wrote:
>>> LM] For a symbolic cross-sectional view of this progressive fractal
>>> hyperspherical/hyperspace geometry, see:
>>> http://leonmaurer.info/ABCimages/Cyclic-paths-cosmogenesis.jpg
>> Leon, with this one above I've gained a new love of your geometry
>> stuff and ideas. It is so pure, simple, reflective, recursive,
>> toroidal, holographic etc......
>> This page you link to above is my favorite one of all you link to on
>> the Knol web page where you put it all together.
>> material( physical ) = two sphericals ergo a closed wave
>> astral( physical ) = two sphericals ergo a closed wave
>> mental( physical ) = two sphericals ergo a closed wave
>> spiritual( physical ) = two sphericals ergo a closed wave
>> For a total of 8 ---a closed wave symbolism in of it self---
>> sphericals within the 1st logos.
>> I also went to Wolf page you link and began rereading his stuff
>> again. His "space( ether )" is my gravitational spacetime
>> {.....The role of Space. Since all the laws of nature are written in
>> terms of the dimensions [time, length, mass] defined by ensembles of
>> matter communicating in the space of a universe, we infer that the
>> behavior of matter is at least partly determined by the geometric
>> properties of the space (aether) within the universe.".....}
>> It has taken time but I'm just now beginning to understand his IN and
>> OUT standing wave ideas. Perhaps it is the new web page layout that
>> helps.
>> I believe his IN and OUT waves are each a tube with internal axis
>> defined by a forward moving, subdivided triangle that expands and
>> contracts( wave ) over time while moving on geodesic( wave )
>> trajectories.
>> There is much more to understand/comprehend but I think you, Wolf and
>> I are moving in correct direction(s).
>> I believe, based on my GUTOE that each electron and all fermionic
>> particles are compose of 8 waves intersecting.
>> 4 IN and 4 OUT
>> RYbo
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