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Olcott & HPBs visit to Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

May 02, 2010 08:27 AM
by MKR

An interesting article about Olcott & HPB's visit to Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

Olcott knew he had to travel, meet with people and speak to public. It was
this very personal approach that was responsible for his effectiveness in
spreading theosophy. Even today, the human nature has not changed.
Politicians and leaders travel personally to meet their constituents and
deliver speeches and push their agenda, in spite of the modern tools such as
TV and Internet. These days, in spite of having many intellectuals trying to
impress members and public with their past academic achievements, we rarely
hear about organizational leaders travel and actively involved in public
issues such as Olcott and Besant did. No wonder, membership and lodge counts
in the West going South.

Full account of Olcott & HPB's visit at the following link.



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